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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Mewtwo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Infinity times >* Than Ho-oh. Mewtwo is the Ultimate Pokemon' date=' and is still one of, if not THE best, to this day! He has one of the best move pools, and godly stats.



Arceus would like a Hyper Beam with you.....


r u really using DL as a bragging right el make?

*goes to corner and laughs hysterically*


You don't have much ground to stand on Fusion, be glad you have that corner. >.>

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Mewtwo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Infinity times >* Than Ho-oh. Mewtwo is the Ultimate Pokemon' date=' and is still one of, if not THE best, to this day! He has one of the best move pools, and godly stats.



Je repette, Mewtwo est le legendarie premier et le plus puissant!


Ecchi, Arceus kinda sucks. It has average stats overall. Full average =/= good. High Speed, Strength, and Special attack = Godly.

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I didn't memorize. I just know ALL of Arceus Stats are equal, and he has a 720 in total stats. 120 in each stat, if you divide. That sucks. That's about a 4/6. NIDOKING can beat that.


MEwtwo has 2 6/6's and one 5/6. He also has a 4/6 (From the guidebook)

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