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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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1. In Brawl' date=' pokeballs kill.



Stright up, Ho-oh murdered me. D:


In Soviet America can can you. But since this is not S.A. Also' date=' in brawl, if someone throw a pokeball at me, I puch it so it goes back to the person.



You would do that....


Or you could kill pain with a bowl of Ramen! XDDD


You played that game too?

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EDIT: DL: u sad' date=' sad, little noob

a normal snorlax weighs 1041 lbs

a giant one wud be more than that >.>



Hehehe..... nerdz.


@El Make - no' date=' like, the Pokeballs THEMSELVES murder people.



True, true..... But Ho-oh slaughters. D:

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el make' date=' it's called serebii >.> but anyone who has played pokemon knw snorlax is over 1000 pounds

ho-oh cant do **** against Lugia



Ho-oh pwns Lugia!!!!! And besudes, Lugia's shiny form makes it turn pink. XD


And neither of them can beat Marth's counters.



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@El - Remember, the "How many Marths does it take to screw in a lightbulb?' joke? BTW, the answer is two. One to kep it up in the air, and another to counter it into the socket.


@Fusion - You are LUCKY you said that second line...


@Maru - nonono, Ike is SO weak against Marth. His attacks are so slow, it's easy to counter/predict them. Trust me, I've fought plenty of human Ike players as Marth.


@Creator - Is marth really that weak in your eyes...?

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