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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I think he was talking about the Club War RP. But, yeah, you, me, Chase, and Deus could all probably win a war on our own. Eventually, it'd come down to us. I'd kill Chase after 5 hours, then you'd probably manage to lose to me after 4 hours, and then Deus would take me down after 3 minutes.


You, me, and Chase are all Godmodders as far as our powers, where Deus is some sort of Screw-the-Rules modding alien.

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I basically quit RPing after Naruto: Something something something.... ended.


Why should I join? Too many people. For god sakes, one's probably talking about Flames, one's talking about Vampire Powers, and one's preaching about the power of light. >__>

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And, hey, you set up for the sequel, so, why not join? To use Maru's phrase, stop being a stick in the mud and join.


I was refering to the war RP. >__>


Seriously' date=' it's like putting Naruto powers, DBZ powers, and magic into one plot.



We have a pokemon club, a Vampire Club, an RP club, and god knows who else is in there.

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I think he was talking about the Club War RP. But' date=' yeah, you, me, Chase, and Deus could all probably win a war on our own. Eventually, it'd come down to us. I'd kill Chase after 5 hours, then you'd probably manage to lose to me after 4 hours, and then Deus would take me down after 3 minutes.


You, me, and Chase are all Godmodders as far as our powers, where Deus is some sort of Screw-the-Rules modding alien.



All of you want to fight with special effects, jumping really high and using all kind of skills. It is not my fault if I prefer to simply draw my shotgun and fire at you. If you didn't know, it is super effective.

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