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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Ah' date=' that's where you're wrong. I've had three [b']O[/b]GFs in the past few months.


*snaps fingers*


it's all in the Spice!~


Exactly. I've actually been in love, with my Best Friend no less. Beat. That.

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If you had never won before' date=' it means you had already lost. So fail to you.



I'd high five you but I'm scared of what would happen.....


Ah' date=' that's where you're wrong. I've had three OGFs in the past few months.


*snaps fingers*


it's all in the Spice!~



Might I add none of them were very lengthy and 1 was 12.....


And Deus, you never heard of the expression "way to be the beast"?

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Well, I guess that expression is only where I come from......


"Beast" is basically the term for epic beyond epic. So if you "be the beast", you're going to be ultra-epic.


You're not really helping your score DL......

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