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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Hey Darklink-san

can i at least be a Mod on ChibizandMore




@Pichu - ...




... I shall consider it...


Consider it by which you mean no.....



115 chapters?!


DAMMMMNN son' date=' u serious?

Mars, dnt be ashamed, guys our age are [i']supposed[/i] to be perverts

or at least the straight ones anyway


Damn straight


All guys are perverts' date=' yes. BUT I am not that pervy. Besides, I dislike boobs.



You make me sick......


I'm a Pervert <_< Got to love Hentai as a artform.


Do the real stuff, hentai is for the weak.....

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[spoiler=Inappropriate, but really funny story PG-14]

When I was in 5th grade, my 6th grade friend just got a laptop and I was at his house. We went on google, and he looked up Street Fighter stuff cuz he was really into it at the time. He looked up hot pics of Cammy and there was some...interesting results. I saw this one where her butt was huge and I said, "Hey, click that one." He said, "No, I don't want to." I kept egging him on until he caved in and we saw it. After 5 seconds, my friend yells, "AW S***! MOTHER****ER! Dammit!" He goes up to his room, I asked, "Dude, what?" "THANKS A LOT, NOW I GOTTA CHANGE MY PANTS!"

I didn't get it then, but later when my dad gave me the talk, it all became clear...

Then I made fun of my friend about it for a week xD


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@Maru - I'm in the Organization XIII arc (yes, that Orgy) where Nexev and Creator join it, so yes, you'll be in it soon.


@Fusion - 115, and still a LOT of story to fill. Believe it. Also, screw you...


@El Make - ...true

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