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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Ha, your knife is now broken due to my diamond bone... it is stucked in my leg and its hurting a bit but it will be absorved in any minute. Wait, was is a gibbsslap? *Have deep thoughts*

Have you ever tried using a calculator?

If you find one that hadn't commit suicide after reading twilight, tell me.

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That's a wondrous question.


Because, if you do not, Creator and I will rip off your jaw and appendages.


Yes. Your tongue too, and even the third Leg.


And then, we will throw the third leg away. Darklink gets it.


We will then toil over a pot for hours, seasoning the stew we made from your flesh.


Of course, we boil the meat first, so it falls off the bone. We pull those bones out and give those to the Kyuubi.


Then we force feed you the finner we so lovingly prepared for you, although you have no jaw to eat it with.


Don't you love us?

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That's a wondrous question.


Because' date=' if you do not, Creator and I will rip off your jaw and appendages.


Yes. Your tongue too, and even the third Leg.


And then, we will throw the third leg away. Darklink gets it.


We will then toil over a pot for hours, seasoning the stew we made from your flesh.


Of course, we boil the meat first, so it falls off the bone. We pull those bones out and give those to the Kyuubi.


Then we force feed you the finner we so lovingly prepared for you, although you have no jaw to eat it with.


Don't you love us?


can i get his spine or ear

i is hungy fo ear

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That is a great question Cookie.


Wait, no it isn't.


Everyone knows that eating anything other the appendages causes Brain Damage.


If you eat the limbs, you get happy, almost like shrooms.


Wondrous results.



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No, I'm taking the ATGWG approach XD


That's a wonderful question DMG.


But, you are mixed up. The Australians like Ear, not British.


Now, they have similar accents, and Australia is, as everyone knows, England #2 until it's name change. Last September. September 12, at 12:17:94 AM to be exact. Courtesy of Icyblue.


They eat ear all the time! Notice, they were a colony of criminals.


All those ears caused them to revert to cavemen and murderers.


And thus, brain damage.

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Oh, Ikatsui, YOU will be eating it. Not us.


You need to eat it so you may enter your new, awesome monkey body, which has rockets... and Drills.


And Creator, yes. We stick his head on a stick.


Then, we will Sacrifice Ecchi, while DL is forced to watch.


If he tries to glomp, he takes Ecchi's place.


Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Sacrifice~

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