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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I added lots of loli pics. How fortunate.......


@Dranzer - Oh' date=' join! :D



Also, I might add another Chibi of the Week soon.


But it probably won't be that.,


it has to be a chibi that is so great it can even stand in the shadow of El Make's chibi. [b']Neva gonna happena[/b]


I say chibi robot for the week


bu thats just me

Id join' date=' but this forum keeps me busy enough, so naww



Chibi: probably not

You not joining: BISH YEAH!

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@Ikatsui - hush you, Chibiz is awwesomez. Well, true... it is KINDA innapropriate for the young...


@Pichu -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Oh, oh... good one.....


Super mod... AHAHAHAHAHH... Seriously, you crack me up....



The chance I'll make you a mod is already very minimal.

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