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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I guess that's a bonus..

why do u make urs tall anyway? jw


Because I like to make them tall. Otherwise it would be something like this:

Big head + tiny body = broken neck or strongest neck in the world but without balance

Big head + tall body = balanced / Big head + tall body + weapon/instrument = F*ck yeah.

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Deus actually makes sense.



@Fusion - Yeah, I got to it. My next post will be in a week XD


As for colored text, just hit post reply, then highlight your text (after you type it) and click on A thing to change the color, like you would in word.

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Or... just use this

[color=green]I shall be an example![/color]

That you get this

I shall be an example!



You are forgetting an important point:

I'm not mad, so logic is illogical while illogical can be logic or illogical while logic can stay logic or turn into illogical.

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Wait, wait

I've been going about this wrong

According to ur argument and likeness for tall chibis, I've come to the conclusion that:

You're just different

No one can even begin to change or understand your logic

So I guess while we all revel in defying logic with chibis, you abide it with your chibis

Or defy it differently depending on the type of logic you're using or which definition is applicable in the current situation

That way, everybody wins!

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*Appears, upside down, finishing his second Fuji Apple*




Chibi's do defy logic. Just like Anime does. This is the anime motto.


"Screw the rules, I'm from Japan!"


*Eats more Fuji apple* I seriously am eating an apple.

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