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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Meh, Shigure is awesome anyway.


And Miu is okay, albeit being the main character's love interest, I wish she had smalled breats.


There's only like 2-6 people in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi with smaller-than-Tsunade breasts D:

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Ecchi: I have absolutely nothing against Tatsuki and Karin, or Sun-Sun, if we're talking about the three hottest in Bleach. They just don't make my top 4 in hottest anime females. Actucally, they are the next three...in order: Karin, Tatsuki, Sun-Sun


Maru: What the hell kind of man are you? Or are you female...I never checked...I'm guessing male...more messed up than Yaoi-Kun though...I was raised to think the same way as you on that subject. Then I started thinking for myself, and now I have basically fused two completely different religions into my own. Its amazing what happens when you don't let other people think for you

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I was raised to believe they were clean, not sexual. I don't care about internets.



UnSeductible=Nice Girl=Hot


Breasts=Useful for determining Lolis and feeding Children, not sexually.

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o right i forgot


i musta sounded shallow back there...

but still' date=' learn to love boobies, it helps u fit in better at parties and on internet forums

o and DMG, u cant call DL a pedo for having a 12 yr old OGF if u like Karin...

EDIT: *googles Kenichi*



I loled SO hard....



And at the EDIT.


Fusion, you boobtard... you would...

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hormones are our greatest friend' date=' but can also become our greatest hindrance for it can make us appear too perverted to be found as a catch by beautiful women



This sttatement...... is so true.......


And DL, might as well as call me a boobtard as well.

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o right i forgot


i musta sounded shallow back there...

but still' date=' learn to love boobies, it helps u fit in better at parties and on internet forums

[b']o and DMG, u cant call DL a pedo for having a 12 yr old OGF if u like Karin...[/b]

EDIT: *googles Kenichi*


When did I ever do that? I thought you knew I was also a Lolicon?


And was my last post ignored, again? Hint: its the last one on the last page

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