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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Rejection of Phenomena. I don't think that includes erasing somethings existence. Otherwise, it'd be no fun, not the way she'd be doing it, anyway. I prefer erasing something's existence by using C-4. Or Little Boy.


@ Topic of Boobs: I prefer them to be...less Orihime-ish and more...Yuzu-ish

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EDIT: Personally' date=' I do not care for boobs. I was raised to believe they were normal and not sexual. And I'm Abstinent.



And Orihime talks about destroying the Hogyoku, before ulqui comes to get her.


Orihime also rejects existtence with one power, and attacks with another.

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Tsubaki is quite powerful.


Too bad it works about as much as Naruto's first battle tactic. Charging in yelling (optionsl item: kunai)


Also, I don't even care for sex.


It just doesn't seem all that great from what I've heard.

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Depends on who its with. Also, the glitch on my computer is really weird. I like it. (If you get the same glitch, you'll know.) Anyway...Tsubaki's power is proportional to Orihime's resolve. If she fires him halfheartedly, he's not very powerful. But, if she fires him with Ichigo's "I'm going to chop you into little pieces and eat 'em" attitude (Which she won't) he can be very powerful

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I kinda agree with DL. Heck, I took showers with my mom until I went to Kindergarten. Breasts are sacks of fat and flesh that hang off a woman for the sake of feeding children.


And I chose Abstinence and the like. I'm not brainwashed. When I was younger, I was sex-crazed. I just toned down when I learned a better way.

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...when you put it like that, Mars... I'm almost tempted to say breats are quite... sickening...


But yeah, basically what they are.




Anyway, it's not that I chose abstinence, it's just, I find no interest in sex.


Although I will admit to looking forward to it when I was younger and didn't know much about it.

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Hmmm' date=' so Cree-bozu likes sex too? And here I was thinking you were some... asexual person or something.



Actually I can reproduce asexually, but I find the future prospect of having extra offspring a very good idea.


I'm Abstinent, but when the time comes (no pun intended) I'll want kids as well (or, well extra kids).

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O.o Did Mr. Chibi Loli who 'loves the emotional eyes' say he does not want the closest thing to a real Chibi?


@Creator: Oh, I know it does. Last one of my friends that did that, I smacked him upside the head with my heavy novel XD

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