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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I agree Ecchi....


The ONLY Incest pairing that even makes sense is NejiHina. Why? Because they are in a feudal clan where they want to keep the Byakugan pure. I do not support this pairing, though. I like GaaHina (For Crack) and NaruHina

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Oh, I just found an EPIC vocaloid gif.


I stared at it for a good few minutes.


Thus it will be in my sig. And thou shall all be amused.


EDIT: PLEASE do not say GaaHina in front of DMG O.O

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I think it's unlikely sadly D= But it IS Sweet! It is the best pairing ever!'

I've read many GaaHina fics, specifically one that was based modern day... I usually hate those, but I 'Aww"ed my way through it. XD

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