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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Lionheart, as stated in PM, you have to post four solid LINES.


Anyways, here's the backstory/mechanics for the RP/FF Nexev came up with. I dare say, it's genius.


[spoiler=Interdimensional deck]

Greetings Frohawk : Iraq continuity, Earth dimension, Reality collective, Core complex


It has come to my attention that you are showing this email to other people, that is to be expected, even desired, it makes my job much easier. Enough of the formalities, I have knowledge to tell and you have ears to listen (erm eyes to read, whatever).



· The world is divided into several dimensions, like a world is divided into countries, each one unique, these are divided further into continuities these are in reality time periods where something notable happened, these are like the states in the US. Finally several dimensions are grouped into areas where they share some similarities, these are called Collectives): like regions grouping the Middle East together. Finally several Collectives are usually group together in things called Complexes, like Continents these Complexes may share no similarities except for proximity to each other. Therefore as an example Cloud Strife is a member of the JC2 (Jenova Conflict 2) Continuity in the 7th Gaia dimension in the Final Fantasy Collective, part of the Enix Complex.


· In all the dimension groups (which when group together are called the Eternity) There are two cores, these are unique in that they seem to absorb pieces of the other dimension, making them a mish mass of pieces of everything, while ideas of objects from one dimension ending up in the other is common (Odin was somehow replicated from the Norse Dimension, Pre-Ragnarok Continuity to The 4th Earth dimension, Zeromus Continuity and then spread throughout the FF Collective). These cores are unique in how they have pieces from everything plus they together form a Complex (known as the Core Complex) though they are very different. The first core is the Over Collective, this is the more powerful of the core as it manages to take pieces from every dimension in fairly large chunks which soon sort of meld (for example the Evil Rebellion Continuity of the Kuja Dimension having Cursed marks and jutsu used in the Naruto Collective in the Hidden Countries Dimension being utilized by a being in the Tamer Dimesion from the Digimon Collective). The other Collective is the one in which you live (unless this manages to get warped which would be awesome) known as the Reality Collective, while this in fact draws out entire complexes into its realm, they are unable to take material form and are regarded as fiction (this is why Square Enix has video games identical to actual events that take place in parts of the Enix Complex). This means in a nutshell that our imagination worlds are in reality real dimensions that have managed to project themselves here in the form of ideas. Despite this there are some differences of some of our fiction from their respective world (Take Chain of Memories, in this game Vexen is killed by Axel, however in actuality Vexen managed to escape and went to hiding in the Castle Oblivion Continuity of the KH dimension in the Soul collective of the Enix Complex.) Another important thing about the Reality Collective is that it is extremely difficult to leave; this means that it is impossible to actually travel to other Continuities or discover dimensions other than Earth if there are even other dimensions.


· Besides the Reality Collective, intentional transdimesnsion travel is possible. The main users of this are members of the Over Collective due to their large inspirational gravitation force. While they can travel from dimension to dimension and even to other Complexes they seem unable to make much of an impact as they do not create their own Continuities. These intentional crossers of the dimension borders are called Card Nomads (or CN for short) and the act of interdimension travel is known as Shuffling. This is due to the card aspect of interdimensonal traveling which will be explained later.


· A CN is a being who’s imagination allowed a Zero Dupe to be formed, they have their own society due to their trans dimensional nature. They utilize Dupe Cards (see below) in day-to-day life and frequently travel to other dimensions. To get a zero dupe you must have a great imagination and you must have a catalyst (such as major trauma or knowledge of the CN’s existence), because of this there are comparatively few CNs in the Eternity. Despite this fewness we have organized ourselves into a small organization with it’s own government and rules. Some important parts of our society are our nomadic nature (hence the term Card Nomads), Nomads usually travel in groups called caravans forming their own small village wherever they go. Another part is how we can make concoctions, these are items that are made with ingredients from different dimensions and are thus usually stronger than normal items. Finally we cannot change events and alter future; somehow whenever we try we ultimately fail (however we can create major events if they are in the timeline, Soul Caliber was made by a CN known as Agol).


· An intriguing phenomenon is known as the Dupe Cards. A dupe card is created by the imagination currents (the name applied to the mysterious force that causes some ideas to appear somewhere else, particularly notable is the fact that the KH dimension is primarily inhabited by members of the Disney Complex, thought there are a noticeable percentage of FF Collective denizens and members native to the dimension.). These currents, which replicate people and objects, also create card shape objects, with dimensions equal to that of the average tarot card and a dark green back. These cards can summon a replica of the person or object that they represent. These are used by CN as a way of combat to settle differences or to help with mundane purposes. The cards each have the name of who they are and a number from 1 to 51 to symbolize their power amount (or p). While the higher number cards are stronger they can provide strain on your mental system and prolong use by an inexperienced CN could lead to a stroke. The summoned beings are called fighters. The numbers are:


Zero: They are the cards that allow you to Shuffle; they are therefore the all important cards that makes you a nomad. These are named the Shuffle Dupes. It’s important to note that these are not cards but instead an object or rarely a living thing. In addition they can only be used by the CN it as crated for.

1-10: These are weak monsters that in fact are used for more convenient uses, such as the Choccobo card (p 5) is used for transportation rather than to actually fight. Known as Furniture Dupes due to their none fighting abilities.

11-20: These are the weak fighting monsters that provide little wear on your mind; examples are Slime (p 12) and Shadow (p 14). These are called Noob Dupes.

21-30: These are the less pathetic monsters and have average power. They are usually key cards for newbie CNs, notable members are the Slime Knight (p 25) and the Werewolf (p 23). Known as the Standard Dupe.

31-40: These are the more powerful members; seasoned members usually use them as their elite cards and the legendary CN use them as standard fighters. Recognizable members of this group are Cloud (p 35) and Bahumet (p 39). Referred to as Elite Dupes.

41-50: The best of the best, these are easily among the strongest fighters, Legendry CN holds these cards, included in this fold is Sephiroth (p 43) and Arceus (p 46). They are known as the Master Dupes. Of particular note is that there are 5 Dupes with a power of 50, these dupes are noticeably allot stronger than a 49 p dupe. These are called Deva Dupes.

51: This is the ultimate card, only one exists and it is easily the strongest card in history, the card summons Potential: a being that emerged from the inspirational pull of the Core Complex and therefore has a small piece of every dimension thus discovered. Fortunately it was sealed so one would have to gather the 5 different 50p cards to summon him a nigh impossible feat. Still you have to wonder…


All dupe cards, (with the exception of Potential and the Zero dupes) are divided into 5 suits. The suits are known as Physics, Emotion, Nature, Hope, and Despair.

· Physics dupes are strategic intellectual fighters. The suit consists of being notorious for their intellect or advance technology such as machina. Notables include Zexion (p 37).

· Emotion represents the more primeval beings in the Eternity. These dupes lack complicity but make it up in sheer power and rage; this suit features raging elementals, dragons, berserkers, anything susceptible to rage or unpredictability. Notables include Norse Berserker (p 16).

· Nature represents the world around us, these members include elves, treefolk and huge lumbering beasts. Notable include the Godsire (p 42)

· Hope feature angelic beings and heroes. This set features knights and angels, and fairies and every thing good. Notable include Artix (p 40)

· Despair represents those people that are… less desired among society. Ranges from demons to villains to anti heros. Notable include Alucard (p 45).



Also there exist special silver backed Dupe cards, these cards summon items for a fighter to use in combat thus increasing their p. Well-known ones are potion and Ultima Weapon (though this Dupe card is particularly rare). These lack a p value and are called Trinket Dupes.


· Dupe cards battles (a DCB) are used for entertainment purposes more often than not. As such DCBs are treated like a game (similar to Pokémon battles in the Pokémon Collective). These people are known as Dupers and form a major part of the CN lifestyle, many CN collect Dupes to sell to Dupers and there are Duper tournaments in many places. Some people are actually professors who study the Dupe cards to learn about them. One such being is myself; I decided to relay this information to you because knowing about the CN increases the possibility of you becoming one. Do not feel upset if a Zero Dupe has not formed, the Zero Dupe is in fact rarely a card and may form later as a different object (such as a deck box, coin, or even in my case a pair of glasses), another possibility is that you feel to tied too this world to leave, thus making your subconscious prevent a Zero Dupe from forming.


Ahh but now I am rambling, this story is not about me it’s about several people I met, now our tale begins… Well I am running out of ink, so I’ll have to end there.

Bydeahla ec y jendia

Nexev: Post Zero continuity, Drift Dimension, Organization collective, YCM Complex


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I'm Kailyn's OBF, does that count?


Also, chibi Hibari is cute.


And that other chibi DOES look quite abit like me, but aside from that, I would probably never wear something like that.


EDIT: Chibi Kailyn FTW


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