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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Well' date=' I'm in the HS Band, playing Sax, I'm gonna attend Kaplan Online University, and get a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice, but...still got no life



For some reason, this seems like the norm for Criminal Justice people. I know it isn't. L's probably crawled into my head XD


My investigative style will probably be a lot like L's. Other than the "hide in the shadows and not let anyone know my face" part. I don't have access to the kind of Tech I need for that. I know I'm not gonna investigate like Mellow does.

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Oh, I have a Slifer (real)




@Cree-bozu - I call you that because of the FULL meaning of bozu.


@Fu-kun - The coolest 12-year old on this site, by far, is Chase. He acts like he's 14-15 O.o


@El Make - 19? XD Wow, if Cree-bozu was 19, I'd laugh.

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