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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I like my plan better, it would kill all those door to door salesmen.

and the lolis

and the Ronald McDonalds

and my 2nd Grade Teacher whom I hated so

and Darklink so he would final stop his madness of a yaoi fanfic.


Wait I thought you were over lolis?

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I like my plan better' date=' it would kill all those door to door salesmen. [b']Agreed[/b]

and the lolis Same

and the Ronald McDonalds Same

and my 2nd Grade Teacher whom I hated so ... Same...

and Darklink so he would final stop his madness of a yaoi fanfic. SAME!!!


Wait I thought you were over lolis?


Huh... that's odd...

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