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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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"I. Like. To. Kill. Things. How is that not clear by now?"


"Their unexplained, but curious, love could only end in Tragedy" (About Sam and Frodo)


"You have answered the riddles three. I will now answer your questions."

"How did-"


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... DARN YOU! Only 1 month, give or take some days!


Besides, The character I am based on is older than you. He was made in '06. He is a personification of evil created by some magical books, and a young boy instructed by himself from the future. The Future self makes him name it after his Alais, Marsuvees Black, and thus, Black was born. He was darkness and evil. He made people trip on starchy water by screwing with their heads, and said "baby" a lot. Then, in the Future Earth (2000+ years later, not same Earth) He is a giant Black bat Demon. Marsuuv.

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Alright then I didn't expect to have to do this...


To top it off the Character that I'm basing the statement and personality of myself here is a Character call Gul'Dan from Warcraft made in 1994. He was Darkness Incarnate and by absorbing his Skull after his death granted me that title.

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