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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I have a computer.


To bad it has no internet.


Thus, I have to use the cyber cafe.


oh, el make, what should the prizes be for the chibi contest?


I think, 3 reps for the 1st place, 2 reps for the 2nd place, and 1 rep for the 3rd place.

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Actually, when you first joined I though "Oh, look, a naruto fan. Perhaps we can become good acquantainces."


Now here you are, as most likely my best forum friend.


Funny, huh?


In fact, before this club, you were hardly active at ALL.

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I've been really sick over the past few days.


One sickness after another.


After my first sickness, at 1 in the morning yesterday (will spare you the details) I got a fever. Then a fever at night. And now getting a fever again. The headache continues...

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