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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Us carrying it?


We basically hoisted it up from falling into a gigantic fissure called wave of threads!

That actuall sounds like something that could be made into a card. xD

Actually' date=' we went to the bottom of a trench called Forum Failure and lifted it with our fingers up to the surface........


That actually sounds more like what happened, as well as what happens to a lot of other threads. xD

As we have stated' date=' if it wasn't for me and you, there'd be no chibi knights.


We'd end up where the host club ended up.


Um, host club? Please explain.


My conclusion from the above:


Signing up for a sticky... may just be our downfall >_<

Is that so? well while I can see the potential in that line of reasoning, I still ask for an elaboration and explanation. xD

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I call it 10.


I include those that have posten in the past few weeks.

By that same token, I am never going to end up on the inactive list. xD


And i think you can causr a post to happen if you accidentally hit the tab key and then hit the space bar key? *does this to see what happens**finds that I was correct* yeah, so I guess that was it.

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