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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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What contest? I had a pie eating contest online once. everyone complained about not being able to grab the pie' date=' while I didn't see the problem. I guess they didn't like Pecan pie. Oh look it's a bear wearing a tie.



The Great Chibi Contest!

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Aho. Tom is what a lot of us call The_Prince_of_Death. He is who I was referring to.


sorry I finaly went back through a couple of pages looking for something and saw this.

Well for the contest I wouldn't really be able to judge since I'm pretty much busy though I wouldn't mind judging....I'm truly one of the most nonbiased people on this site along with a great judge plus a person that normally never requires payment for anything.

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And that would be bad because...


Also, me, el make, and... well yeah, me and el make have discussed WAAAAAAAAAY back to make a 2nd great chibi contest (the first was before your time, Creator and DMG)


Back when Hollowblade was here O_O

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