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The Contest of Doom!


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[Reply to the dude who posted the "Nightmare Angel" Card.]

It needs to have an DARK-Attribute, It can't be a Pyro-Type monster card and it has nothing in the Effect to do with Destruction or Damage. Just needed to point out that. :3

13 Minutes left.

Hope DeMeNtEd doesn't make an epic appearance and wipes our faces with the floor. :d

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[align=center]The results are in!!!


This was a tough decision for me, seeing as how there were many awesome entries here! The way I look at cards is by the effect itself. Creativity, playability, and balance were the keys to success here. The cards were great, for the most part, but I've narrowed it down to these three:


[spoiler=The 2nd Runner-Up is...]Archelaus



[spoiler=The 1st Runner-Up is...]Casmy



Last, but most certainly, not least...


[spoiler=The Winner of the Contest of Doom is...]gustavosuarez



Congratulations to you guys! The winner will get the corresponding prize now. The Runners-Up will recieve their prizes tomorrow.


NOTE: Before the rest of you begin to question me about how you have lost, let me say this. Believe it or not, I am absolutely not biased in any way, shape, or form. I chose these people because I think they had the best looking cards. Again, creativity, playability, and balance were the keys here, and I thought that their cards covered those aspects most efficiently.


Thank you all for participating!!!



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