Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 [align=center]One day, the Pokemon World suffered a tragity. Team Radioactive's plans have been carried out and now toxic sludge flooded the world. All pokemon have been effected by this, severely. All of these will be recolored and scratched a bit -.^ [spoiler=Toxic Bulbasaur]((This has 3 different images because I could not decide which to post.))This creature was found slurping sludge from it's contaminated pond. [spoiler=Toxic Ivysaur]We were able to save this pokemon a bit. We enclosed it's bulb when it evolved so only a bit of slime drips from the top. [spoiler=Toxic Venasaur]This creature went into full out rampage when we tryed to wake it up. It broke through the wall and ran somewhere into the open Toxic world. [spoiler=Toxic Tyranitar]This creature was found throwing massive dead trees at other pokemon. Scientists believe the Toxic Sludge had corrupted it's mind. [spoiler=Toxic Muk]Scientists believe some of the Toxic Sludge had fused with the Muk. This crature retained the same personality as it's previous pure form. [spoiler=Toxic Pichu]This pokemon was trying to stay with it's mother, Toxic Raichu, and was infected. [spoiler=Toxic Pikachu]This Pikachu is completely corrupted. He bites anyone that comes near him and refuses to act kind to anyone. [spoiler=Toxic Raichu]Like it's Prevolution, this pokemon is completely corrupt. Any thing to come near it gets shocked. [spoiler=Toxic Blaziken]This pokemon did not suffer much change. Most Fire-Type moves have been forgotten and replaced by a new move we have found, "Toxic Explosion". [spoiler=Toxic Zapdos]This Pokemon was a legendary ruler, through it's power, it has corrupted many other pokemon. From the sludge it also got it's tail changed into sludge. [spoiler=Toxic Cubone]This pokemon was uneffected by the sludge, but when it put on its mother's skull (Like all cubone), the sludge infected it. [spoiler=Toxic Charmander]We were luck enough to find this pokemon right when the sludge hit it. That means that it still kept it's kind personality. [spoiler=Toxic Charmeleon]This pokemon is very strong after the sludge. We believe it amplified it's strength 3x. [spoiler=Toxic Charizard]When the sludge flew in, we believe this creature was the first hit. For this reason, it is one of the most corrupted. [spoiler=Toxic Rayquaza]Team Radioactive targetted Rayquaza first, and with the most sludge. Now we must keep it under locks for the safety of all others. [spoiler=Toxic Arceus]Arceus was found corrupted by sludge next to a couple other Pokemon. We believe it was trying to save the Stage 1 pokemon. [spoiler=Toxic Blastoise]This Blastoise was swimming when hit. The sludge flowed into it's system and now it trips from it's cannons. [spoiler=Toxic Gastly]This pokemon has been emitting poisonous gas. We are keeping it in a glass containter for safety. [spoiler=Toxic Haunter]A touch from this pokemon's hand can be painful since the sludge fused with it's glow. [spoiler=Toxic Gengar]This Gengar's mischevious attitude has not changed at all. Scientists are currently running tests on it's poison lick attack. [spoiler=Toxic Froslass]This Froslass's Ice abilities have been replaced by new Poison ones. It leaves a trail of sludge where ever it walks. [spoiler=Toxic Piloswine]Whenever this Piloswine snores, it lets out great amounts of sludge. This is the main culprit of the Toxic disease spreading. [spoiler=Toxic Raikou]Odd enough, whenever this Raikou allows lightning to strike, toxic sludge forms. The Raikou also drinks sludge. [spoiler=Toxic Celebi]Toxic Celebi has been commanding different pokemon carrying the virus to go spread it. Luckily, we caught it in time. [spoiler=Toxic Eevee]Sadly, this pokemon hatched from the egg with Toxic around it. [spoiler=Toxic Vaporeon]This pokemon was found swimming in a contaminated lake. [spoiler=Toxic Jolteon]This creature was found giving off Toxic discharge. Any pokemon to come within 3 feet of it became infected. [spoiler=Toxic Flareon]Whenever this pokemon uses a Fire-Type attack, an explosion occurs because of the chemical fusion. [spoiler=Toxic Espeon]Despite this pokemon being infected, it was found trying to help other non-infected pokemon. [spoiler=Toxic Umbreon]This pokemon was found chasing unifected pokemon trying to infect them. [spoiler=Toxic Glaceon]Toxic Glaceon was found freezing unifected pokemon in blocks of Toxic ice. Sadly, we could not rescue those pokemon. [spoiler=Toxic Leafeon]This pokemon was killing off trees with a new move, "Toxic Spore". Many pokemon died from this happening. [spoiler=Toxic Feraligatr]Sadly, we believe this Feraligatr has no chance of being purified. The sludge has reached it's water chamber and became infected. [spoiler=Toxic Grovyle]This pokemon was found stuck in a puddle of sludge. We believe it was hopping from tree to tree over the sludge and slipped. [spoiler=Toxic Kingdra]After the spill into the seas, this Kingdra breathed in the sludge. This sludge contaminated it's ink chamber and now it breathes sludge. [spoiler=Toxic Darkrai]This pokemon was giving nightmares to an evil toxic pokemon. He quickly gained the disease from it. [spoiler=Toxic Lugia]Lugia was doing it's regular swim through the oceans when the dump occured. Since then, it has suffered a drastic change. [spoiler=Toxic Buizel]This pokemon was spinning it's tails rapidly to keep the sludge away from it. Sadly, it reached and infected it. [spoiler=Toxic Bagon]This pokemon still continues to bash it's head against rocks. For this reason, we believe it has forgotten it was infected. [spoiler=Toxic Shelgon]When the Toxic Bagon evolved, the sludge became trapped inside it's shell. we believe it will stay corrupt forever. [spoiler=Toxic Salamance]This pokemon is deeply infected. It has constant outrages and has recently hospitalized one of our assistants. [spoiler=Toxic Flygon]This Flygon was found under the Toxic sands. It is beyond saving and is deeply corrupted. [spoiler=Toxic Ditto]This pokemon can form into most anything. When it does though, it is quiet obvious as it keeps the Toxic coloring. [spoiler=Toxic Groudon]After retreating to his deep cave, pure, Team Radioactive tracked and made him Toxic. [spoiler=Toxic Ho-oh]Ho-oh did much purifying. He use to fly over infected groups of pokemon and they would be cured. Now that he's infected, it does the complete opposite. [spoiler=Toxic Mewtwo]Mewtwo did not know of the Toxic chemical. He went to the National PokeLab to kill his creators when they infected him. [spoiler=Toxic Sandshrew]This pokemon was found lying underground. The chemical was all around it. After breathing in so much sludge, we were lucky to even get it breathing. [spoiler=Toxic Jirachi]When Jirachi's meteor shot back down to the Pokemon World, it crashed straight into a sludge-filled lake. This pokemon's wish granting still continues. [spoiler=Toxic Staryu]This pokemon was actually Gym Leader Misty's Staryu. It was infected in a battle and she took it to us. [spoiler=Toxic Bonsly]When an old woman first bought this pokemon, they sold it to her in a pot believing it was a tree. She continued to water it with infected water. [spoiler=Toxic Bastiodon]This Bastiodon was ramming into rocks under ground when a hole busted in the ceiling. Sludge cam pooring down on this poor pokemon. [spoiler=Toxic Cranidos]This Cranidos rushed to help the infected Bastiodon. It sat by its side waiting long enough that it caught the disease. [spoiler=Toxic Luxray]This Luxray was found hiding in the corner of National PokeLab, infected. [spoiler=Toxic Pachirisu]When saviors found this pokemon, it was out cold buried in a giant pile of boulders. [spoiler=Toxic Deoxys]This pokemon's crystal stone in it's heart has been infected. This has made communication and moving a hard thing for this pokemon. [spoiler=Toxic Torterra]This pokemon was a main culpret of infection, but it did not mean it. Whenever Bird pokemon landed in his tree they would get infected. [spoiler=Toxic Infernape]This pokemon was nearly drowned in sludge. Now it's flame and fur colors have changed. [spoiler=Toxic Piplup]A trainer rushed this Pokemon to the Pokemon Center. They sent it straight to us. [spoiler=Toxic Prinplup]When the flood happened, this Pokemon managed to hide in a cave for about a week. When it began to starve it ran out and became infected. [spoiler=Toxic Empoleon]When this pokemon was trying to save others from sludge, it got itself infected. [spoiler=Toxic Dusknoir]This pokemon was kidnapped by Team Radioactive. They almost killed it when trying to infect it. [spoiler=Toxic Koffing]This pokemon was already very bad to be around, now, it is almost deadly. [spoiler=Toxic Weezing]When this pokemon evolved, it carried on the Toxic traits. We have to keep it in a glass cage to keep it from hurting anyone. [spoiler=Toxic Budew]This pokemon hatched in an infected garden. Since then, it has been very cruel to others. [spoiler=Toxic Roselia]It was obvious to notice this pokemon was infected when the flowers changed colors. [spoiler=Toxic Roserade]Whenever this pokemon walks by living plants, they instantly wilt. [spoiler=Toxic Magikarp]This pokemon's lucky traits are believed to be reverted back to normal luck. Now that it's infected, it's actually pretty useful. [spoiler=Toxic Gyarados]This Gyarados still swims with it's mouth opened, sludge pooring out. This is how much sludge has spread. [spoiler=Toxic Chikorita]This pokemon is not badly infected. We found sleeping in a sludge covered bush [spoiler=Toxic Bayleef]This pokemon is moderately infected. It's vinewhip has grown thorns. [spoiler=Toxic Meganium]This pokemon has been terribly infected. Anyone to touch its flower would become poisoned. [spoiler=Toxic Lickitung]After licking up so much sludge, this pokemon became infected. [spoiler=Toxic Lickilicky]When we found this pokemon, it was licking up all of the sludge covered food scraps outside a restraunt. [spoiler=Toxic Luvdisc]After being infected, this pokemon is showing less love and more hate. [spoiler=Toxic Zangoose]We found this Pokemon slashing through trees. We are unsure on how it got infected. [spoiler=Toxic Absol]This Absol was stalking another infected Pokemon when it was attacked. [spoiler=Toxic Mew]Mew thought it was safe in it's special bubble, but it obviously was not. [spoiler=Toxic Magby]This pokemon hatched in the middle of the attack, therefore was infected. [spoiler=Toxic Magmar]This pokemon was trying to protect it's egg when it was infected. [spoiler=Toxic Magmortar]This pokemon was able to make most of the sludge evaporate with it's heat attacks. It breathed in the fumes and infected itself. [spoiler=Toxic Elekid]This pokemon was in a plant when the sludge rushed it. The rest is unknown. [spoiler=Toxic Electabuzz]This pokemon is kept inside a containment cell because of it's overly violent behavior. [spoiler=Toxic Electivire]This pokemon was trying to protect a group of pokemon and got itself infected. [spoiler=Toxic Dunsparce]This pokemon was zooming through the sand when it struck a large sludge deposit. [spoiler=Toxic Onyx]This pokemon was throw rocks as a wall to protect others and got itself infected. [spoiler=Toxic Steelix]Whenever this pokemon digs underground, gallons of sludge shoots into the air. [spoiler=Toxic Regirock]This pokemon rose from the ground and built rock blockades. The sludge still got to him. [spoiler=Toxic Regice]This pokemon released itself from a glacier just to save some others. It's attempts were unsuccessful. [spoiler=Toxic Registeel]When the incident occured, this pokemon tryed to save others but got infected. [spoiler=Toxic Regigigas]After the three Regi's failed, Regigigas rose from the ground to help, but got infected. [spoiler=Toxic Jigglypuff]This pokemon's singing ability has been poisoned. Now when it sings, it makes the Pokemon become poisoned. [spoiler=Toxic Gardevoir]This pokemon's powerful forcefields have been strengthened even more with the sludge. [spoiler=Toxic Gallade]This pokemon was slicing Toxic shooting tubes when infected. The sludge infected its arms first, then the rest. [spoiler=Toxic Cyndaquil]This pokemon was wondering the volcanic plains when the infection occured. Sludge shot up from a miniature volcano. [spoiler=Toxic Quilava]As most Quilavas do, it has a fire on its back. The only difference is that this fire gives of a poisonous fume. [spoiler=Toxic Typhlosion]Whenever this pokemon's flame shoots from it's back, sludge spreads everywhere. [spoiler=Toxic Riolu]This pokemon's aura is now deadly. There was no way to come within 5 feet and not become poisoned. [spoiler=Toxic Lucario]This pokemon's aura charge is incredibly deadly now. The attack being feet away from you could cause posioning. [spoiler=Toxic Geodude]When this Geodude was digging through rocks, a small burst of sludge shot at it. That is how it got infected. [spoiler=Toxic Graveler]This pokemon was wondering throught its rough rocky mountain terrain when a Team Radioactive man came by and shot it with the chemical. [spoiler=Toxic Golem]When the attack happened, this pokemon rolled throught the forest until the Team Radioactive members followed him. They sprayed and infected him. [spoiler=Toxic Bannette]This pokemon was tormenting another pokemon, a Toxic pokemon. It got infected from doing so. [spoiler=Toxic Gliscor]This Gliscor was soaring through the cities when the Toxic Sludge was falling from the sky. It ended up infecting it. [spoiler=Toxic Togepi]Toxic was shot over an area and the sludge fell on it and it's shell. When it emerged, it was infected and the patterns on its shell had turned green. [spoiler=Toxic Shaymin]The flower field this Pokemon was spiritually connected to was infected, as was the Shaymin. [spoiler=Toxic Shaymin Sky Forme]This Shaymin changed to Sky Forme as soon as it was hit. It is now stuck in this form. [spoiler=Toxic Giratina]Even though the Toxic was spilled in the real world, it still rained in the Reverse World. It was not the same substance but still effected it the same. [spoiler=Toxic Palkia]This pokemon was trying to keep space in line, and the Toxic just didn't work. He was infected this way. [spoiler=Toxic Dialga]In attempts to prevent the Toxic spill, Dialga turned back time. The Toxic infected it this way. [spoiler=Toxic Snorlax]This pokemon, as expected, gobbled down around 34 Gallons of Toxic Sludge. [spoiler=Toxic Magnemite]Though Steel is impervious to Poison, this pokemon seemed to attract the sludge. It ended up being infected. [spoiler=Toxic Magneton]The people of Team Radioactive actually had to hook this pokemon up to a machine to infect it. [spoiler=Toxic Magnezone]This pokemon was trying to defend many different pokemon and was infected. This pokemon's behaviour is very much more violent. [spoiler=Toxic Mudkip]Whenever this pokemon swims in a lake, it becomes the sludge. We have had to contain this pokemon in an enclosed enviroment. [spoiler=Toxic Milotic]This pokemon's beauty was much effected by the sludge. It hardly maintains any beauty now. [spoiler=Toxic Electrike]This pokemon was powering the generator for the sludge creator. It was found infected. [spoiler=Toxic Manetric]Like the Electrike, this pokemon was found powering the machines. [spoiler=Toxic Sneasel]Whenever this pokemon creates ice, it simply generates more sludge. We have kept it contained to prevent this. [spoiler=Toxic Mismagius]This pokemon was haunting an infected pokemon. It was infected this way. [spoiler=Toxic Scizor]This pokemon was slashing through trying to save others and got itself infected. [spoiler=Toxic Latios]This pokemon was flying threw the sky and crashed into it's brother, Latias, and got infected. [spoiler=Toxic Latias]This pokemon flew into an infected lake when not paying attention. It also infected it's brother. [spoiler=Toxic Torkoal]This pokemon's gas is extremely lethal now. Sometimes they use it to execute people and pokemon. [spoiler=Toxic Mime Jr.]This pokemon was copying an infected pokemon and infected itself. --Custom Sprites--[spoiler=Toxic Electrode X-2]When the sludge rushed over a regular Electrode, it mutated into this.((Custom sprite by Emo-te, recolor by me)) [spoiler=Toxic Candiqeen]After being infected by the K-3M (Kandi Bomb Medicine), scientists took the pokemon from its owner and infected it with the sludge.((Custom sprite by Emo-te, recolor by me)) [spoiler=Toxic Skeleknight]When the sludge hit this Marowak, it grew wings. It found a sharp piece of metal and became skeleknight.((Custom sprite by Narasa Ω, recolor by me)) [spoiler=Toxic Incoletum]This creature was a ton of different pokemon when the sludge hit. The sludge hit them all and fused them into this.((Custom sprite by Narasa Ω, recolor by me)) [spoiler=Toxic Toruption]((Custom sprite from DeviantArt, recolor by me)) [spoiler=Toxic Mamice]((Custom sprite from DeviantArt, recolor by me)) I really would appreciate reps -.^ CnC please. I will also take requests to do pokemon out of Ntl Pokedex Order.[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Catman25 Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 I'm liking 2 and three. Nice recoloring. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 I think the first one is the best. You are good at this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 That was quick, thanks ^.^ So... Do you guys want to see more? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Catman25 Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Why not? ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Do you have one of Tyrannitar? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Catman25 Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Or Muk? If that's even possible. >=] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 I'll make both right now -.^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Can't wait... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 And for the Muk... I can't really add much special xD I'll try though. As for the tyranitar, I could only thing of one place to put slime, dripping from his mouth. I hope thats fine. EDIT: Tyranitar is done. Muk is done. Posting them both now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Berserker- Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 I was confused. I believed that the Tyrannitar would be even more epic than the original, but then I remembered that anything is more epic than the original Tyrannitar. Nice try anyways. You should keep doing this stuff. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Catman25 Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Nice. ^_^ Black recolors ftw. ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 @Saikano Thanks, I think -.^ LOL @ Catman Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-Pulse Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Cool Like Tyrannitar the best Can I request Pika...Pika...Pikachu!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Thanks! I'll get right on Pikachu -.^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KageKatana Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 these new ones are kewl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JG. Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Blaziken, Zapdos and Cubone. Will rep if done well ;D I love them so far. EDIT: If you PM me the pallete, I could help you with this project. Yay or Nay? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hunter. Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 can i request 006 - Charizard? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JG. Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 can i request 003 - Charizard? Charizard is #006 xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hunter. Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 whatever. i don't really read pokedexes anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M-Pulse Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Pikachu is Pika Pika Awsome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Thanks guys! I'll start the requests. Check this post to see progress as I edit it. To Do:[x]Toxic Blaziken (My fave pokemon was requested, YES!)[x]Toxic Zapdos[x]Toxic Cubone[x]Toxic Charizard[x]Toxic Rayquaza Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KageKatana Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 will u make a toxic rayquaza? plz plz plz? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Catman25 Posted October 17, 2009 Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Pikachu looks possessed. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ģค๓blє Posted October 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted October 17, 2009 Yeah, I wanted Pikachu to go from Cute, to Evily creepy -.^ He's my fave so far, next to the Black and green muk. I'll add Toxic Raquaza to my To Do -.^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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