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Me vs first applyer :P


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well you shouldn't really have a contest, as you do not yet have 150 posts, but I don't care, I'll vote anyway. :)


I vote for chain warrior, as it has a better effect. I think the pictures are equal. Also, if I'm not mistaken, there is already a card named spirit caller. :/


Also, spirit caller's effect is a bit unclear. Is the monster Special Summoned from your hand, deck or graveyard, or does it have to be removed from play? :/


(@daky daky) This has nothing to do with the cards, but if you ever have trouble finding images, go to the showcase section. Once there, go to one of the image databases, (in the important threads section) and you can use images from there. You have to give credit, and there might be a cost, but it is an excellent image source. :)

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