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War of the Anime Worlds[Basic]{accepteing via PM][started]PG-16)[new plot and app][Co-Owner is Jake the sage]

Hirikiri Inaghe

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Yore looked around, noticing that each of these people seemed to just ignore him for the most part.


Aside from a death threat, they're not aggressive... interesting.


"My name is Yore Readman. I have simply come to see if any of you pose a threat to my group. It's up to you guys whether or not we are enemies."

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Kohaku wanted a clear understanding of the newcomer's motives.

"Just tell us exactly what you want and what you plan on doing. You can already tell that we'll kill you if you attack us. Likewise I'm sure you can tell we'll let you live if you leave. Stop beating around the bush." Kohaku said. He was getting annoyed and he was a bit unsure as to why.

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OoC: Yore's 18... coincidence! XD


Yore gave the girl an incredulous look. She was around his age. He didn't feel the need to be especially careful about his words.


"God, are all women like you? Besides, if I wanted to waste time being a pervert, I'd find someone better to spy on." he didn't quite know why, but Yore wanted to see if he could get her irritated. He thought it'd be good for a laugh.


"...stop beating around the bush." The man had an almost scolding tone to his voice, and Yore felt like he meant business.


"Honestly, do you think I had a plan after this? It's a bloody war zone out here! Some of us learn to think on our feet and let instinct kick in. Right now, though, I have no intention of fighting any of you... though I doubt I'll leave anytime soon. Tell me, which faction are you with?"


Yore was plotting right now, despite what he said. If he could confirm that these people weren't gonna kill him on the spot... perhaps he could convince them to form an alliance.


If not... then the Paper Master was gonna have a hard time escaping unharmed.


I REALLY wish the boss would show up already...

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Yore regarded the girl with a look of confusion, even a little bewilderment. He felt really bad for making her cry. Being the person he was, he refused to let it go.


"No, I refuse. C'mon, there's got to be something I can do to make up for making you cry. Please."


The young man held out his arm, and the paper hidden in his sleeves bunched up in his hand. They reformed, turning into a white paper rose.


Being a Paper Master has its benefits at times outside of battle, too. Cool.

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Kohaku had one hand on his katana and the other ready to shoot a blade of wind at the newcomer. He didn't trust him one bit. And even though he hardly knew Rachel, he didn't appreciate the earlier rude comments. If he tried anything funny with the rose he would find himself shortly mutilated on the ground.

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Yore pulled his arm back, taking the paper rose out of reach. He flicked his arm once, forming eleven more paper roses, and handed the girl the dozen white roses.


"To show all of you that I come for peace... I'll tell you about myself. I am what is known as a Paper Master. See, we Paper Masters..." After handing the girl the paper bouquet, he slipped a couple slips of paper out from his sleeves again, shuffling them into one stack. He dropped them all, and as he did they turned into a small cat. The cat meowed once before dissolving into sheets of paper once more, and shuffling up his sleeves. "...we can control the will of paper. Perhaps that's all I'll tell for now."

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Kano appears behind Yore, looking really angry. "you seen the guy who messed up our cave?" he asked angrily. he looks around spotting kurama. "and you get out of there.. atleast get ready if they decide to attack this guy.. geez why do i have to tell you that!". he then looks at Rachel less anger in his voice as he talks "sorry for trespassing but, someone who's soon to be dead messed up my base" he says.

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Thomas had Alondite in his had, ready to draw. "I don't trust him either. Also, If it's magic that hurts you, be glad I didn't use the silver Sword, Alondite. And my Tempest Blade controls wind, so it would manipulate you." He said "Now, all of you leave, or I will be forced to kill you, or mortally wound you." He said Drawing Alondite, and standing in front of Rachel.

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"A. I don't know who you are. B. I'm only Travelling. I just left with Rachel here from her Garden." He motioned towards her and then the Garden "And C. /this guy, Kohaku, watched me fight Rachel, so the three of us are clean." He finished.

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