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War of the Anime Worlds[Basic]{accepteing via PM][started]PG-16)[new plot and app][Co-Owner is Jake the sage]

Hirikiri Inaghe

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So we're just gonna randomly kill the others? cool enough I suppose.


Name: Kohaku Aoki

Gender: Male

Appearence: [spoiler=Pic]3149edw.jpg


Anime from: One Piece

Powers from One Piece: Kaze Kaze no mi (Wind Wind Fruit). His whole body is made entirely of wind. As such, physical means can in no way hurt him. He can dissipate into nothing but wind and reform anywhere he chooses. He can launch many high speed blades of wind. As a result of the devil fruit power he can't swim and contact with salt water negates his powers.

Other powers: Soru, high speed movement technique. Shigan, ability to stab with only his finger, with wind he can launch long range projectiles. Rankyaku, ability to launch a blade of energy when kicking. Geppou, ability to jump off the air. Tekai, when he's not made of wind (which is very rare) he can harden his body to withstand blows.

Weapons: Long Katana and large shuriken.

Team: Team 820

any other details: He's a master swordsman and has great aim with throwing weapons.

Bio: Since the powers were given to the human world he has long been training. He wanted to see how strong he could become. For the longest time he was alone but before long he met Rachel and Thomas. The three all shared the same goal. The 3 decided that they would try to become the strongest team around. Though quiet and reserved, he cares for his teammates and really wants to help them reach that goal. In battle, he is ruthless and won't hesitate to strike down an opponent.

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Kazu stands in the rain his target tree perfectly in position as he uses Kirin and in a flash of lightning he passes through the tree the storm clears. "hmm.. i think it's time i gave my buddies something to do we've trained enough so far". He walks back to the cave the Team is using as a temporary base. "Yore, Kurama scout out the surrounding forest area, i need to know if anyone else is here and where, Go!".

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Kurama finished with eating and was going outside ,. He looked around "hmmm nice day today" then he jumped at the closest tree and he freezed "Wait a sec! i fell a different chakra over here!"

He took his Katana and shouted "Hey! Stop hidding you little coward!.

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Name: Sawada Marcus

Gender: Male





Anime from: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Weapons:Gloves, Dying will flame

Death note:no

Any blech stuff:no

Dragon Ball Z character of decent:no

Team:Vongola Family XI generation

any other details: No

Bio:He is the XI Vongola mafia family boss, the son of Sawada Tsuna (the main character from Reborn! That why i chose is appearence) because most of Vongola family died in the attack, including is father, he as the mission of finding six persons worthy of wearing the Vongola rings, and becoming the new generation of the Vongola family.

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Ooc he wasnt hiding Not accepted have to have team


Hirikiri looked at his rival and said bleakly,"Are you sure you want to fight me Kid.Couse if you are you just signed your death certificet." As Hirikiri was talking he walks towards Kurama dong hand signs as he got closer then suddenly says,"Blood style blood lust jutsu." Hirikiri hands formed sucktion like grownths on his hand and hirikiri jumped towards Kurama and grabs him and startsto drain his blood.

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