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War of the Anime Worlds[Basic]{accepteing via PM][started]PG-16)[new plot and app][Co-Owner is Jake the sage]

Hirikiri Inaghe

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Kohaku put his katana away.

"I've had enough of this. Either tell us if you want to trouble us or go away." He turned to Rachel, Thomas, and Marcus.

"Let's go. No need to bother with these fools." He said. He knew turning his back would probably get him attacked, but that wouldn't go too well for the attacker.

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"Alright." Thomas said warily. He slowly turned, ready to pounce if neccesary. Thank God for his blood. If he wasn't a Branded he would be much slower. ((He's half CAt.)) "Anyways.... Explain this KAze-Kaze Fruit to me. Sounds like Magic."

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"The world I come from is quite interesting. All the land of the world was islands in a giant ocean. Many people took to the seas as pirates looking for a marvelous treasure and to be the king of all pirates. Throughout this world there were very strange fruits. These are called the devil fruits. Their powers range from turning someone into a pure element, like me, to turning someone into a half-animal to some very odd and random techniques. I found mine in the first year of my training. I was quite hungry, starving actually. Then I looked in a tree and saw an odd fruit. I ate it without thinking. Afterwards my body started turning into wind. I spent the rest of my time training the power and some other techniques." Kohaku said, unsure why he was so open.

"As for how the fruits actually do that, no one is sure. The mostly accepted belief is that each fruit holds a curse spirit that grants a person a power in exchange for the ability to swim. This belief seems to be further supported by the fact that if a person eats two devil fruits, they die. Almost like the spirits fought for control. So while to anyone of my world, it might seem perfectly normal for the strong to have devil fruits, i can understand that others might view it as magic." Kohaku said still ready in case an attack came.

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Kano looks at yore. "well first, we set up a new base and i know the perfect spot, gather your things quickly. after we finish the base we find the guy who wrecked the old base and make him pay. by the way paper master can you manipulate these? he asked handing yore flame tags. Kano turns to Kurama "go gather the remaining stuff not destroyed and meet back here, quickly if you can".

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As the four, Rachel, Thomas, Marcus and Kohaku, started walking Kohaku felt something was wrong. He casually drew his katana as they were walking. Quietly to the group he said, "Be prepared. There's more attackers about. Or at least it feels like there's something else. There's been a strange shift in the wind. Almost like a strange spirit is around." Kohaku said. He would be fine from most attacks, but he wanted the other three on guard.

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Kano looks at yore. "well they're Flame Tags, they ca explode if i make a certain handsign.. mix em with your normal paper and you should get a couple bangs into your enemy if im in range". he then looks back seeing kuram coming with the boxes. "hmm.. perfect" he says before jumping to go get the boxes and kurama and coming back to yore. "follow me" he says jumpin throgun trees finally arriving at a clearing with a lrage hole in the middle. "ok everybody down the hole, it leads to a small building i made down there quite some time ago before i found you, yore". he drops the boxes in then jumping in the hole.

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Yore looked at the tags once more. "So, this is totally a team weapon... interesting. Then again, I've always wanted to make exploding paper knives. Heheheheh." Yore let out a tiny snicker, before running after Kano and Kurama. He couldn't keep up with their ninja speed, so he cheated a little. Slipping a huge amount of paper out from his sleeves, Yore quickly formed a small plane out of paper, large enough for him to sit in. He launched himself, following the ninja as best as he could until they got to the hole. Directly above it, he called the paper back into his sleeves, letting himself descend into the hole.

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Kano makes a makeshift base from the contents of the boxes. paper tags surrounding the top of a hole. he then says to the others, "atleast either me or kurama stay here at all times to activate our last defensive measure if needed. he then hands yore various traps. "go set these up outside the hole please will you?" he asks politely. he then looks around "good thing i kept all this good stuff in those boxes.." he thinks.

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"Sure thing, boss." Yore climbed out of the hole, setting the random traps around the hole in no particular spots. "Bear trap goes here... falling anvil goes here.... land mine goes here... Tourist traps go here... Sudoku book goes here..."


He finished placing the REAL traps around, then head back into the hole.


"So, uh, what're our plans now?"

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Kano show yore i round desk with a military like consrtuction to it holding a map of this area showing the last known place of everyone via little figurines. he walks over and sits next to it showing yuore the plan of attack for our next base gathering. "ok so you take the left...".

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