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New Report Thread Suggestion

Enma Ai

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Okay. Many of you have seen my old suggestion of adding the 'Reported Thread' feature. I'm sure many people find the message at the bottom of posts annoying. So, I am asking YCMaker to rid of that plugin for something more new and updated. What it does is makes it so a Post / Thread can only be reported once. This stops report flooding and stops the annoying message. But im sure if he wanted it YCMaker could make ir so a message of his choice appears.




There it is. Just an 'upgrade' if you will. I think it will be better than the current reported posts plugin.. or you could use them both together?

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Okay 2 Supporters. And Skippy. YCmaker will do anything to stop the flooding of the report queue. Usually around 5 - 20 members report the same post, and it can be head wrecking for mods & Admins. And he already implememted my other suggestion about it, I see no problem with this one.

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Well, as a moderator, I'll be posting on behalf of the staff (excluding the administration). Multiple reports on the same post and/or thread isn't that bad. We just need to "check" a few more boxes and perform a few more "clicks", which at most, takes only a few extra seconds. I admit, this plug-in would be helpful, but it won't be considered as a huge priority.


Excellent suggestion, though.

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