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OOC@Axel: That doesn't mean you can post an app in the middle of the RP. Part of the curtousy of an RP is when it is started, to plz PM an app. Most people know that when it starts, to PM the app.


Also, this is an ADVANCED RP. Your posts MUST be 4 sentences or MORE. Anyone else that does not follow this rule will be given a warning. 3 warnings and you are banned from the RP.


Jagex exitted the disappearing dark corridor, as he stood on an island of rock in the night. He was on the coast of the giant rock, on the final ledge of safety for anyone that happened to be falling from the cliff down to the unforgiving waters below. The waves wear full of anger, and almost reached the ledge he was on. The ledge seemed to continue forward to a much smaller sliver of rock that was flat enough to stand on. He thought that apparently this was an island world. He stared out to the ocean that was illuminated by the moon, and saw a small ship, able to hold about two to four passengers. It seemed to be rowing towards the island.


It was impossible that anyone had a heart left inside them, but just incase he turned around to see the ledge continued in another direction, and it continued behind a small curve in the rock which would make a perfect hiding place. He dashed behind the small curve in the rock, and watched the apparently Heartless passengers board the sliver of rock seen before.

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Jagex flashed Zaxch a quick "ssshhh!" to silent him as he observed the Heartless climb aboard the sliver of rock, when from out of the shadows behind the two clad-in-black Organization members came a hard, cold, object come upon their shoulders, and yank them into the endless darkness. It was completely dark, nothing able to be seen, when something struck both of them in the neck, knocking them out. When they came to, Jagex noticed Zaxch and him were tied together, unable to break from the well bound ropes, surrounded by......apparently.......skeletons in clothing. Jagex's mind was swarming to find a possible explanation to this, and the only one that he could think of were possibly residents, but all people in every world had their hearts taken away.

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Ixrin felt the preseance grow stronger and strogner the lcoser she walked to the Hollow Bastion castle remains. She still couldn't quite remember who it belonged to. It tugged at the back of her mind even more. She hated it. She stopped walking and noticed the too quietness of Radiant garden here.

"I'll come back here when I've regained some sort of memory. I'm sure whatever is here can wait." She figured in her head. She made a dark corridor and landed in Twilight Town. Almost immediandtly, she heard that she stepped on something .she backed up and saw a silver heart shaped locket wuth a long chain. She picked it up nad opene the locket.

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"Don't touch that!" screamed Daxiam as he swung his arm at her. His swipe missed but it was intended to as two steel swords came slashing down, following the motion of his hand. His attack did not injure her but it knocked the locket out of Ixrin's hand. Daxiam then attempted to pick up the locket but then a group of Neo-Shadows surrounded the two. "Damn."

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Name of Character:verek



Appearance(Image or a 3+ sentence description): AnimeGuy16.jpg

Weapon: Inner_Confliction_Keyblade.jpg

Nobody/Heartless(Protagonist/Antagonist, for those wondering. NO HUMANS. ONLY NOBODIES OR HEARTLESS.):heartless


Bio(MUST be 4+ sentences long. NO EXCEPTIONS):a young boy foung in traverse town. he was in the ally practicing his fighting skills. then they found he was a heartless he was shuned away. he did leave but he turned to the AOD for his new home. he does not fight unless he really needs to or someone attackshim. he does not like showing that he is a heartless.

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Ixrin took out her weapon and slashed at them. In the process, she pcike dup the locket nad pocketed it. She idn't take orders form anyone anymore until she becaem whole. Until then, she had to deal with people thinking they can roder her about. She amde sure for the locket not to fal out of her pocket as she fought the heartless.

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OOC: For the last time, THIS RP IS AN ADVANCED RP!




IC: Jagex stared in shock at the skeleton men. They seemed to be wearing old world clothing, similar to pirates. one of them, wearing an almost Renessiance like hat, red coat, and seemed to be the leader of the group, said to his tied up hostages "Ah.....Nobodies from the Organization." Jagex was even more shocked to hear what the man had to say. He retorted "How do you know who we are? And more importantly, how are you not Heartless? Kingdom Hearts took away every single heart!" All the skeleton laughed in unison at the boy's ignorance. The leader said to them "We were inflicted with the curse of Aztec gold. We had no hearts to be taken when Kingdom Hearts fell. You Nobodies complain about being nothing all the time, but you apparently don't realize that if you are so well known, can live and breath like you are right now, then you apparently are something. We don't live, we don't have hearts, we don't even have a name for ourselves! Nobodies even have different species, and different abilities. We are just shells. We are nothing. We only live to take and kill."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name of Character: Narukamax

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance(Image or a 3+ sentence description): [spoiler=Appearance]AnimeGuy.jpg


Weapon: [spoiler=Last Judgment Keyblade]2343276611_dd770e4f2d.jpg


Nobody/Heartless(Protagonist/Antagonist, for those wondering. NO HUMANS. ONLY NOBODIES OR HEARTLESS.): Nobody

Element: Dark

Bio(MUST be

4+ sentences long. NO EXCEPTIONS): Lived his real life on the edge, alone. Didn't take orders from anyone, especially 'authority figures'. He trained to be a swordsmen by himself and got pretty good at it. Then one day he was walking to his training spot when suddenly, dark creatures appeared out of nowhere. A light flashed in his hand and then he was somehow holding a strange sythe like weapon. He knew he had to fight, but there were to many of the dark creatures, they swarmed him and took his heart, but the light from the sythe was two strong. It tore his body away from his heart before it was two late and he was a nobody. He later found refuge within the organisation and found that the strange sythe was a keyblade and the dark creatures were heartless. From that day on, he vowed to destroy every heartles, even if he did it alone.

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