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This thread is Epic. And Unforgivin soul needs to understand that we the people.

Have owned this thread and he has lost




Read teh White!


I havent lost and



I see someone read the white part in my post xD


Anyways' date=' Namo, you're a good guy, but stop supporting that b**** to Unforgiven Soul, before we gang up on you too. He can't take CnC, that's his problem, not yours. And we aren't flaming we're just... Umm... Retaliating! It's true, he did start the flaming. And if you're saying that I'm contradicting myself in the fact that it's only his problem, we are telling him to listen, he started flaming and you know the rest.


Oh and Unforgiven Soul, Emo-te is smarter than you by... SH*T MY CALCULATOR BROKE!!!



You think you can put comedy into my system after hangin with e-mote?

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This thread is Epic. And Unforgivin soul needs to understand that we the people.

Have owned this thread and he has lost




Read teh White!


I havent lost and



I see someone read the white part in my post xD


Anyways' date=' Namo, you're a good guy, but stop supporting that b**** to Unforgiven Soul, before we gang up on you too. He can't take CnC, that's his problem, not yours. And we aren't flaming we're just... Umm... Retaliating! It's true, he did start the flaming. And if you're saying that I'm contradicting myself in the fact that it's only his problem, we are telling him to listen, he started flaming and you know the rest.


Oh and Unforgiven Soul, Emo-te is smarter than you by... SH*T MY CALCULATOR BROKE!!!



You think you can put comedy into my system after hangin with e-mote?


Dude, give the f*** up we don't give a s*** about your childish actions, so buy some balls and grow a brain f**.


Sigging this just makes it better for me, just to let you know.

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This thread is Epic. And Unforgivin soul needs to understand that we the people.

Have owned this thread and he has lost




Read teh White!


I havent lost and



I see someone read the white part in my post xD


Anyways' date=' Namo, you're a good guy, but stop supporting that b**** to Unforgiven Soul, before we gang up on you too. He can't take CnC, that's his problem, not yours. And we aren't flaming we're just... Umm... Retaliating! It's true, he did start the flaming. And if you're saying that I'm contradicting myself in the fact that it's only his problem, we are telling him to listen, he started flaming and you know the rest.


Oh and Unforgiven Soul, Emo-te is smarter than you by... SH*T MY CALCULATOR BROKE!!!



You think you can put comedy into my system after hangin with e-mote?


Trust me, Emo-te didn't have sheet to do with that. And I would have posted that even if it had been someone else, dickface. Now grow a brain before you make a complete fool of yourself. Owait, it's too late already.

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