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YCM Bar, Back for buisness (free drinks inside here)


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First a health-inspector, than someone who wouldnt die if i stab her, and at last flandre scarlet... Now my day is complete...


Just be peacfull and nice to each other, or the ghost of this bar will eat your souls

(And if you dont have a soul, it would find something else!)

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Suddenly its getting cold around you. Its look like a shadow-world or something. You feel some huge evil powers flowing through this bar' date=' and a dark voice is talking to you:

"No one will close this bar. Try it again, and your soul would be traped forever inside this bar..."


You are getting back into this bar again, just seems that one second has passed in real life...

but now you have the feeling of sombody is watching you. Someone or something...



Just install the slide ^^

(and please pm me your email adress. dont ask my why, but im not able to send pms any more...)



sorry my mom said i can't give out my e-mail

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*thx..beer is like sauerkraut every german loves it !?..no..not really..^^..eating sauerkraut is not really a stereo Type of germans i guess*



Naja..ich kann besser reden als schreiben^^..hab immer probleme mit den wörtern..sobald ich mit engländern spreche fließen die wörter nur so (wohne in der nähe einer englischen kaserne xD)

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