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YCM Bar, Back for buisness (free drinks inside here)


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Well... isnt it dangerous to cast spells when you are drunken? Whatever...


At first this was a hunted ruin. Ive made a deal with the ruin-spirit' date=' and turned it into a bar ^^

Now we have a pool with slide and a wii inside it.

Funny thing XD


And where are you from?



Well, my avy's Lina Inverse from the Slayers anime.

She grew up in the town of Zephillia, and that's all I really know about her.


Oh, and she could manipulate fire. ^^


I'll have glass of dry sherry. I would like to see how this match turns out...

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*I get out of the Pool after Getting Dressed back to normal*


I haven't Seen you for a Long while' date=' ever since we ruled together with Lion at Scarlet Hill, Remilia Kept throwing me in the basement though......



Ah, no worries.

I have kept the hill safe. ^^


I'll just have a glass of brandy, if you will.

Thank you.


I recommend the 100% alcohol, Davok.


Do you serve food here as well?

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