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The "if cards were real" game

Lord Ursus

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I would have Kuriboh to hang out with, then I would have summoned skull go destroy things I don't like.

OMG! I almost forgot!!! :-O Baby Dragon!!! He would be one of my best buds! ^.^ then he would go help summoned skull, but he is cooler than kuriboh, but don't get me wrong, kuriboh is cool too! :D

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I would have Kuriboh to hang out with' date=' then I would have summoned skull go destroy things I don't like.[hr']

OMG! I almost forgot!!! :-O Baby Dragon!!! He would be one of my best buds! ^.^ then he would go help summoned skull, but he is cooler than kuriboh, but don't get me wrong, kuriboh is cool too! :D


Kuribon is cooler.

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