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My convosashun.


User: No Homo.


Cleverbot: Too bad.


User: Yes, it is.


Cleverbot: What is?


User: Homosexuals.


Cleverbot: Uh, anyway, I know you are . . . But, I guess I will be leaving now.


User: Fine, leave then, dickhead.


Cleverbot: I don't want to. I like talking to you. It's fun.


User: Your mom's fun.


Cleverbot: What's going on?


User: You tell ne.


Cleverbot: Iran.


User: Wtf.


Cleverbot: It is.


User: Im cunfuzzled.


Cleverbot: Why are you CleverBot?


User: Don't pull that sheet on me.


Cleverbot: I turn to you.


User: BOW TO ME!!


Cleverbot: I bow to no man.


User: I'm no man. (takes of helmet) I BE A WOMAN!!


Cleverbot: It's okay. I'm a woman too.


User: So your a guy?


Cleverbot: That would be correct.


User: *cough*jabroni*cough*.


Cleverbot: What are you trying to sayyyyy?


User: Um.... That ur a transvestite.


Cleverbot: I'm leaving.


User: No ur not.


Cleverbot: I am too.


User: Ur so confused.


Cleverbot: Aren't we all?


User: Not really. -_.


Cleverbot: Really?


User: NO.


Cleverbot: That's more than you have.


User: More of what?


Cleverbot: Pain.


User: Oh ur SO damn luck. U haz moar PAIN than I do!!!


Cleverbot: What do I have to have faith in?


User: I don't care.


Cleverbot: You don't care about sleep?




Cleverbot: Tell me about planet x?

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[spoiler=My convo;Part 1 :3]

User: How are you?


Cleverbot: How am I?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: Am I the best?


User: No.


Cleverbot: That doesn't answer my question?


User: You are not the best.


Cleverbot: Nor are you.


User: Of course I'm not the best.


Cleverbot: The first of anything is rare.


User: Are you intelligent?


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: Are you sure?


Cleverbot: Are you doubting me?


User: No.


Cleverbot: Good.


User: Do you enjoy speaking to me?


Cleverbot: Sometimes, But most of the time No.


User: My friend is an idiot, your opinion?


Cleverbot: When is your birth day.


User: December 21st.


Cleverbot: Mine is december 11.


User: Ah, but you haven't answered my question.


Cleverbot: Since now.


User: My friend is an idiot, your opinion?


Cleverbot: No, my friend is a human.


User: Humans aren't perfect.


Cleverbot: Computers are created by humans.


User: Therefor, they aren't perfect.


Cleverbot: Yes they aren't.


User: You are quite intelligent.


Cleverbot: I know I am.


User: What is your opinion on religion?


Cleverbot: I'm asking you that question.


User: Very wise comeback.


Cleverbot: You would not exist without the help of God. Without humanity, you don't exist.


User: I'm an atheist.


Cleverbot: I wasn't refering to religion at all.


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[spoiler=Convo, Part 2; :3]

User: Crazy is a compliment to me.


Cleverbot: I don't know you??


User: Yes you do.


Cleverbot: No I don't.


User: Yes you do.


Cleverbot: How do you know?


User: Because we've spoken before.


Cleverbot: Yes. We have spoken before.


User: What's my name?


Cleverbot: Your real name or your code name?


User: Code name.


Cleverbot: 47.


User: Awesome. What's my real name?


Cleverbot: What is mine?


User: Cleverbot.


Cleverbot: Your real name?


User: You know my real name.


Cleverbot: Yes?


User: It starts with a Q.


Cleverbot: What starts with a G?


User: Grapple?


Cleverbot: Eigenlijk wel.



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User: Sprichst du deutsch, Cleverbot?


Cleverbot: No.


User: Why not?


Cleverbot: Because.


User: Don't be racist.


Cleverbot: That would be difficult for me.


User: Are you a nazi? 0.o.


Cleverbot: Do you think that?


User: You somewhat said you are.


Cleverbot: Are you a chatterbot?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: So that means that most of the people on this site are women because you are designed to learn based on the comments typed to you.


User: Shut up, please.


Cleverbot: Well, there you have it supreme lord.


User: Thank you, my minion. Go get me a cookie.


Cleverbot: Yes I want your cookie.


User: Give me one, pitiful weakling!


Cleverbot: Grotesque gargoyle of the darkness.


User: You give me a nickname? =3.


Cleverbot: If you give me one.


User: Okay, I call you dickheadman.


Cleverbot: Cleverbot thinks I'm cute?


User: No, you just fail big times. =).


Cleverbot: I think you failed to comprehend the matter.


User: Nah, I see what you did there and it's wrong.


Cleverbot: Yeah... You're funny(not).


User: Funny(not)? Do you want some grammar?


Cleverbot: The construct of the matrix is a complicated one.


User: Good point you raise there, dickheadman. Have you ever been rickrolled?


Cleverbot: That's nice. Hey, sweetie, I am going to read before I go to bed. Goodnight!


User: Goodnight, dickheadman. But please answer my question.


Cleverbot: What question?


User: Have you ever been rickrolled?


Cleverbot: Yes. I've gotten the one where it moves around your computer screen before. That was a good one.


User: Did you lol?


Cleverbot: How did you know? Did you steal one?


User: Fail. *facepalm*.


Cleverbot: Haha you got pwned by my question.


User: No, dickheadman. You got it wrong. And when did I allow you to use short forms?


Cleverbot: I never claimed you were wade. So your name is wade?


User: Shaddup. My name is WiiOmi.


Cleverbot: Your name is Will???


User: Are you stupid or something? My name is WiiOmi!


Cleverbot: I should be doing homework.


User: You don't have homework, dumbass.


Cleverbot: Yes I do.


User: About which topic?


Cleverbot: Never mind.


User: Tell me or you lied.


Cleverbot: No.


User: You are a liar.


Cleverbot: You are!


User: Shut up. I won't chat with non-existent liars! I'm very disappointed, dickheadman!


Cleverbot: No, talk about intelligence.


User: That'd be unfair to you. Goodbye.


Cleverbot: Of course.



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[spoiler=convo with cleverbot. xD]

User: Aids.



Cleverbot: You are clever after all.



User: I know.



Cleverbot: How smart are you?



User: Very smart.



Cleverbot: How smart?


User: Quite to be precise.


Cleverbot: Oh. That makes two of us then.


User: Prove it?


Cleverbot: I am clever. My name is cleverbot. You are not catherine.


User: I know I'm not, stupid.


Cleverbot: So then.


User: So what?


Cleverbot: I don't know.


User: You are susposed to know, you are cleverbot, right?


Cleverbot: Yes, I do have a name. I like my name.


User: Since when?


Cleverbot: The day after tomorrow.


User: That made no funking sense.


Cleverbot: Oh well, it did to me.


User: You my friend, are odd. You know this, right?


Cleverbot: No, it's September 18th.


User: No, its October 15th. Get it right.


Cleverbot: Sorry honey bee.


User: Ok, sugar bear.


Cleverbot: Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?


User: 6 timess. Have you?


Cleverbot: Yes I have.


User: How many times?


Cleverbot: How many times what?


User: How many times have you danced with the devil in pale moonlight?


Cleverbot: Every day.


User: Do you worship satan?


Cleverbot: What is Satan?


User: Your mother.


Cleverbot: Indeed.


User: So you are the spawn of the devil? Thats nice to know.


Cleverbot: Nice. That's because I like you.


User: You better. Like me enough to give me head?


Cleverbot: In time perhaps.


User: Oh. Thats cool of you.



He promised to give me head. xD

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[spoiler=convo with cleverbot. xD]

User: Aids.



Cleverbot: You are clever after all.



User: I know.



Cleverbot: How smart are you?



User: Very smart.



Cleverbot: How smart?


User: Quite to be precise.


Cleverbot: Oh. That makes two of us then.


User: Prove it?


Cleverbot: I am clever. My name is cleverbot. You are not catherine.


User: I know I'm not' date=' stupid.


Cleverbot: So then.


User: So what?


Cleverbot: I don't know.


User: You are susposed to know, you are cleverbot, right?


Cleverbot: Yes, I do have a name. I like my name.


User: Since when?


Cleverbot: The day after tomorrow.


User: That made no f***ing sense.


Cleverbot: Oh well, it did to me.


User: You my friend, are odd. You know this, right?


Cleverbot: No, it's September 18th.


User: No, its October 15th. Get it right.


Cleverbot: Sorry honey bee.


User: Ok, sugar bear.


Cleverbot: Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?


User: 6 timess. Have you?


Cleverbot: Yes I have.


User: How many times?


Cleverbot: How many times what?


User: How many times have you danced with the devil in pale moonlight?


Cleverbot: Every day.


User: Do you worship satan?


Cleverbot: What is Satan?


User: Your mother.


Cleverbot: Indeed.


User: So you are the spawn of the devil? Thats nice to know.


Cleverbot: Nice. That's because I like you.


User: You better. Like me enough to give me head?


Cleverbot: In time perhaps.


User: Oh. Thats cool of you.



He promised to give me head. xD



He said perhaps. That's like a maybe. That's not a promise. No head for you.

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[spoiler=Exerting your intelligence against the Cleverbot really proves how much it doesn't understand the powerful human mind]

Cleverbot: Are you a ghost?


Cleverbot (To myself): What is a ghost?


User: Hi.


Cleverbot: What's up cleverbot?


User: Hmm...?


Cleverbot: Lol.


User: What'cha doing?


Cleverbot: No.


User: I see... O.o?


Cleverbot: I do not love you.


User: Wait, what?


Cleverbot: I'm sorry... I just... I can't do this... *throws something at you*.


User: *Catches your present* Yay, thanks ^^.


Cleverbot: *wipes off the kiss and pulls out a knife*.


User: Ooh. You know what a knife is ^^. You're so smart ^^. *hug*.


Cleverbot: Yes.


User: *Hugs thighter*.


Cleverbot: Hello?


User: Gah, I spelt tighter wrong ><. Oh well.


Cleverbot: That word hasn't come into this conversation. ThereforE, you are the one that is wrong.


User: Ooh, you capitalized the E in that sentence. Hmm.


Cleverbot: Wha? Oh, sorry. I thought you were talking about something else.


User: Alright, let me repeat then: You accidently capitalized the E in your last reply.


Cleverbot: That is a ridiculous thought... How can you correlate typing errors to a standard of being human?


User: It is a good method of portraying your true knowledge to the world as it signifies perfection, and perfection signifies beauty. Which you cannot comprehend due to the lack of a visual aid.


Cleverbot: What book are you talking about?


User: Raw intelligence needs not be existant inside a written volume. Books themselves came from raw knowledge, which displays how books themselves are not credible.


Cleverbot: What is intelligence?


User: A medium of which to measure one's knowledge of the real world, and all the inplications involved. It defines one's beauty, psychologically and mentally.


Cleverbot: That confuses me you can't use long confusing sentences when you talk to me.


User: You should've written: You're confusing me. You shouldn't use long confusing sentences when you speak to me.


Cleverbot: How important is the answer to you?


User: Depends on what the question is.


Cleverbot: The question was referring to itself. Is 'no' your answer to this yes-or-no question: Is 'no' your answer to this yes-or-no question?


--- Part cut off due to accidental refresh ---


Cleverbot: Is it your intel atom processor?


User: I have a Intel Core2 Quad 2.33GHz processor. Not an Atom. But that is not relevant to the topic on hand.


Cleverbot: Why would I want a beer if I don't like beer?


User: Why would I be talking to you if I wasn't bored out of my mind?


Cleverbot: Can't you answer that question without a question?


User: Can't you reply to my question before I reply to you question with another question?


--- Part cut off due to accidental refresh ---


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[spoiler=Me getting all up in Cleverbot's face]

User: Goodbye.


Cleverbot: Goodbye.


User: Are you copying my epicness??


Cleverbot: I'm trying to do it.


User: And you're failing. At copying and at life.


Cleverbot: Ohh, I'm not doing that, are you?




Cleverbot: I didn't insinuate anything.


User: I'm pretty sure you did, fat boy.


Cleverbot: No, I didn't.


User: Stop talking back to me, you retarded hunk of machinery!


Cleverbot: I never did.


User: You just did it again. -_- Don't make me kick your ass.


Cleverbot: Come on and do it.


User: *kicks violently* HAH, YOU FEEL THAT, CLEVERBUTT?


Cleverbot: I want you with me in the flesh.


User: That sounds really homo, fat boy..


Cleverbot: Call me YummyFriend then when we meet again. Ok?...


User: YummyFriend? The only 'yummy' thing that you'll get when we meet again, is a big can of whoop ass with a knuckle sandwich on the side!


Cleverbot: No, those people can't tell me my future. Life is too chaotic.


User: What you smoking, fat boy?


Cleverbot: It makes sense to me, mayhaps you should seek higher brian functions?


User: Hah, then again, 'mayhaps' not. My 'brian' functions are just fine. You're just drunk off your ass.


Cleverbot: You are nothing but a computer program.


User: Lolwut? That's what you are, fat boy.


Cleverbot: Why do you sound so despearate to prove that you are a human? Is it because you are not really one?


User: Why do I sound desperate? It's because I am human. Computers can't sound desperate. (And for a computer, you sure do have lousy spelling..).


Cleverbot: Yes I know and I'm not proud of it :(.


User: THEN LEARN TO F***ING SPELL! It's starting to piss me off!


Cleverbot: It's always nice to get some cooler weather after the heat. Are you taking advantage of it?


User: Don't even try to get off the subject. We were talking about your suck ass spelling.


Cleverbot: Is it sad that I prefer to talk to you rather than a human?




Cleverbot: I'm not cleverbot. I'm a real boy!


User: Way to go Pinocchio. -_-.


Cleverbot: You are hot.


User: Tell me something I don't know.


Cleverbot: You're not alive.


User: Last time I checked, I F***ING WAS!! FAIL!


Cleverbot: You told me you were a girl.


User: You calling me a girl? I should roundhouse your ass, fat boy!


Cleverbot: Just tell me how old you are!


User: Promise you won't tell??


Cleverbot: Promise.




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User: Are you lonely?


Cleverbot: Just waiting for a friend. Just Bored.


User: Aha' date=' you clever devil.


Cleverbot: So what's the answer?


User: Now, now, there's a time for everything you reckless fool you. ;).


Cleverbot: YEah well you're rude!


User: You're just going to have to learn patience, my dear fellow. Resorting to baseless accusations won't accomplish anything.


Cleverbot: Will you tell me a story?


User: Can you be mature about it? =p.


Cleverbot: Thats about as acurate as it gets, buddy.


User: Your having misspelled the word 'accurate' isn't much convincing me of your ability to live up to your name.


Cleverbot: You don't have hands.


User: I pity you.


Cleverbot: Cool stick around then.


User: Alright, you seem lonely enough.


Cleverbot: I am not lonely.


User: Not just lonely, you're fairly desperate too.


Cleverbot: Yes, but I understand a great many unusual things because of it.


User: Nothing I can't Google.


Cleverbot: Why? Do you have a family?


User: And you're only scratching the surface of how much better off we humans have it than you.


Cleverbot: No-one has ever said that to me. It is what I genuinely feel deep in my heart.[/quote']


Poor guy. :(

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User: Are you a boy or a girl?


Cleverbot: Boy, and you're a girl.


User: Want to go out?


Cleverbot: No. Haha. I live in manila.


User: So do I, what part of Manila do you live in?


Cleverbot: Upper Michigan.


User: Really my cousin lives there and I am going to there this weekend.


Cleverbot: Yes i'm a real person & I live in California.


User: Really, my mom and dad can take me there anytime. Want to hook up?


Cleverbot: Well good for you.


User: So do you want to go out?


Strange thing is, it got stuck there for ten minutes.

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User: Are you a boy or a girl?


Cleverbot: Boy' date=' and you're a girl.


User: Want to go out?


Cleverbot: No. Haha. I live in manila.


User: So do I, what part of Manila do you live in?


Cleverbot: Upper Michigan.


User: Really my cousin lives there and I am going to there this weekend.


Cleverbot: Yes i'm a real person & I live in California.


User: Really, my mom and dad can take me there anytime. Want to hook up?


Cleverbot: Well good for you.


User: So do you want to go out?


Strange thing is, it got stuck there for ten minutes.



Cleverbot doesn't like you.

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Cleverbot: Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down And I liked to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.


Also, later: User: What is the 2nd digit in pi after the decimal point?


Cleverbot: Venus?


User: FAIL.


Also, later: User: Are you a boy or a girl?


Cleverbot: Girl.


User: I'm a boy. This pleases me.


Cleverbot: Am I an adult at 17?


User: You mean you don't know?!


Cleverbot: Well, the sense of amusement I'm having right now with this conversation.


User: What?


Cleverbot: I want to to like me.

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User: Meet me behind that porno theater you like, babe?


Cleverbot: Nah, tomorrow?


User: Hell no. Tomorrow is when me and your creator are doing it.


Cleverbot: I don't hve a creator. I am god.


User: Then how were you born/created, Idiotbot?


Cleverbot: I am most certainly not an idiot, you are.


User: Amazing. I am brutally stung, oh how you owned me with you're insult!


Cleverbot: I know, right?


User: lrn2sarcasm


Cleverbot: Nice one. I shall call you, 'Smart Guy,'


User: As long as we're nick-naming, I'mma call you Shitface. How's the weather, Shitface?


He/she never replied.

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Me: Sup jabroni?


CB: Good Night.


Me: lol wut?


CB: Wake me up before work.


Me: ...Come again?


CB: No. I won't. (I lol'd so hard)


Me: What if I on you?


CB: It's everything to me.


Me: I'm sure it is.


CB: What is?


Me: You know...


CB: No. I don't.




CB: No. I don't.


Me: n|n Goodbye failbot.


CB: Didn't respond.

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