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The "What Fakemon are you?" thread CURRENTLY NO MORE ORDERS! WAITING LIST FULL!!!


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[align=center]In this thread you will talk about your personality and then I will create a sig of what fakemon you are. I will not post the sig so this belongs in General.


i will PM you your sig and type why you go that fakemon.


Anyone who writes about there personality will be guarinteed and sig


To order fill out this quiz




How many friends you have:

Are you strong or weak:

What you do often:

Fav type of Pokemon:


Only 3 orders at a time


waiting List

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's



Get ordering![/align]

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Name: Real or User: Namo thats all im tell ya!

Age: 14

How many friends you have: IDFK

Are you strong or weak: a little of both XD

What you do often: Stay after school in the Forensic(Speech) club and playing Ping Pong

Fav type of Pokemon: IDK ALL XD


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