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Final Stand


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Hmmm... after some deciding what to do... I decided to pretty much create a new topic for this one, as it is pretty weird card I made, and I seem to not really can wait until I find the 15th card in the "Kraken Special Cards":



Hence... I decided to put this one on before :).



Effect: "You can only activate this card when your Life Points are 1000 or less. When this card is activated, both players Life Points are now 0. Both players choose 5 monsters and put them in the face-up ATK or DEF position or in the face-down DEF position. This monster may not be Fusion-Monster or Ritual Monster. Then both players pick 5 Magic/Trap Cards and put them on the Field, then put 5 cards in their Hand. The rest of both players decks are Removed From Play. The player who doesn't have a monster on his side of the field during each "End Phase" loses the duel."


I can't seem to find the correct way of how I can put it, but it basicly comes down to this:


When your Life Points are 1000 or less (I'm thinking on making that a more realistic number like 300 Life Points?) you can activate that card. What happens then, is pretty Fiber Jar-like :).


First, both players choose 5 Monster Cards, 5 Spell/Trap-Cards and another 5 cards to put in their hand. Finally, the entire lot of what is left is directly put in the Removed From Game-Field. Meaning those are not usable anymore. Monster which may not be Summoned this way are Fusion or Ritual Monsters. But you can still bring them by using your Magic+Trap or Hand chosen Cards.


Things that actually, when typing this message I found out I also need to fill in:


* "Magic"-cards which destroys a monster are automaticly negated.

* Effect of monsters that destroy an enemy monster are negated.

(btw: Trap Cards can destroy... as mostly Trap Cards are a result of an action which activated them)


* When your turn ends and there are 0 monsters on your side of the field, you lose. When your opponent's turn ends, it doesn't neccesary means you lose.


The new effect:


"You can only activate this card when your Life Points are 300 or less. As long as this card is in the Removed From Play, all Spell Cards or Monster Effects that destroy an enemy monster are negated. Both you and your opponent's Life Points are reduced to 0. All cards on the entire field are destroyed. Both players then pick 5 monsters (except Fusion or Ritual Monsters) from their Hand, Deck or Graveyard and Special Summon them on the Field. Both players then pick 5 Spell or Trap Cards from their Hand, Deck or Graveyard and Set them on the Field. Then both players pick 5 cards from their Hand, Deck or Graveyard and put them in their hand. Every card in the Graveyard or Deck is then Removed From Play. When either players Monsters on the Field are 0 during his/her End Phase, he automaticly loses the duel."


It's a pretty long effect... but now I definitely need to go... so I am in no way possible to keep building on it, but perhaps some people can help :).

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Meh, not a really good card I'm afraid...4/10. It's all in the wording. To start with, the duel automatically ends when 1 player or the other has their LP reduced to 0, so this would create a draw.


Other questions exist. Where do they get the cards from? Deck...Graveyard...what?

Also, you haven't included anything on the card about negating spell and monster effects that would destroy monsters. And if monster destroying traps aren't negated, everyone will end up choosing Sakuretsu Armor, Magical Arm Shield, and Mirror Force; or something similar.

And about the monsters. Players would chose monsters that can't be destroyed (like Spirit Reaper and Marshmallon), or monsters with already huge attacks (I can see Tyranno Infinity being used here, or big hitting monsters like BEWD), then using the Spells and Traps on the field and in hand to boost them even more (can anyone say Axe of Despair?)


And no matter what, let's say this card loses its effect on the LP. If the LP are already reduced low enough, players would just use burn cards. Shell, a player could chose to set 3 Gift Cards and Bad Reaction to Simochi to deal 9000 damage. Throw in a Just Deserts, and that's up to 11500! That's almost a guaranteed win unless your opponent boosted their LP to rediculous levels. And along with this scenario, they could fill their hand with things like Secret Barrel (which would deal 3000 damage as well), Meteor of Destruction, Rain of Mercy, and Poison of the Old Man. With the last 2, it'd be even worse for your opponent if you had monsters like Fire Princess on the field. This could set up the field for burns of epic proportions.


And then again, you could just activate this card and let your opponent deckout since all their cards are RFP.


I'm sorry, but I just can't see this card being real the way it is. As for suggestions, maybe negating any LP damage instead of reducing to 0? A level or some kind of limit to the monsters? Who knows. I just know that there is no way I can see this card working the way it is. I'm sorry if this sounds mean.

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