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Yugioh GX - Rise of The Society Of Light [Accepting] [Started] [Basic] [PG 13+]


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"Draw!" "I activate the My face down Trap card' date=' "Trap Jammer" So now i discard i card from my hand and Destroy Reverse of Fate.."

"You'll see my true power.." Joe laughed.

"I activate [b']Boner Crush![/b] in my Graveyard!"

[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated if it has been discarded from your hand by the effect of a Trap or spell card. Inflict damage equal to all of your opponents Faceup monsters level x200.

"Here take 1000 Damage!"

(Your LP 3000) oOC: anYTHING YA CAN DO ?"

Ooc: I'm sorry but i didn't have time to correct my OCG so i just write.


((OOC: Sorry, buy trap jamer doesn't require a sacrifice from your hand, and can only be used during the battle phase))

"Draw!" "I activate the My face down Trap card' date=' "Trap Jammer" So now i discard i card from my hand and Destroy Reverse of Fate.."

"You'll see my true power.." Joe laughed.

"I activate [b']Boner Crush![/b] in my Graveyard!"

[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated if it has been discarded from your hand by the effect of a Trap or spell card. Inflict damage equal to all of your opponents Faceup monsters level x200.

"Here take 1000 Damage!"

(Your LP 3000) oOC: anYTHING YA CAN DO ?"

Ooc: I'm sorry but i didn't have time to correct my OCG so i just write.


((OOC: Sorry, buy trap jamer doesn't require a sacrifice from your hand, and can only be used during the battle phase, I think you mean magic jammer...))

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Meanwhile.......Alex had been looking through his deck. It was full of elemental hero's(I collect them)He had been thinking of selling it and using a new deck. he began searching through his collection and replaced some cards in his deck. Just then, his door began to creak open.....

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Draw; I draw one card.............


Main; I activate my field card Light Universe............ Now the ATK and DEF of all of my Arcana Force monsters will increase by 1000...............[Light monsters will gain 500..........] Arcana Force XIV - Temperance [ATK 3400].... And using it I can also have one Arcana Force Counter for each card at your graveyard[these can be used as a tribute for Arcana Force Monsters]......... [Oh carp you have over 3.......... That's I care about now...........] I'll us 2 Arcana Force Counters along with my monster Arcana Force XIV - Temperance to summon Arcana Force EX the Dark Ruler[ATK 4000 + 1000]............ Using his effect ... ... ... ... ... The card ended up on head[he can attack twice........... but then he is changed to def mode.........]

Battle; This game toke more than enough..................... Arcana Force EX the Dark Ruler attack him twice and end the game NOW................................ [Your monster is down/ Your LP 4000 - 5000 = -1000'less then zero'] Game over.......

Then Leo went in a hurry to his class.........................

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Name: Gronus

Age: 17

Gender: male

Apperance: Blue hair' date=' green eyes. Wheres baggy jeans

Student Or teacher: Student

Class:Obelisk Blue

Biography: N/A

History: Parents killed by society of Light

Name Of Deck:(Optional). Crystal beast


Ooc: Accepted welcome to Yugioh GX - Rise of The soceity of light. ^^

IC:Matt just standed at the same spot..

Saying 3 words.."What a confidence.."

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