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Yugioh GX - Rise of The Society Of Light [Accepting] [Started] [Basic] [PG 13+]


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Matt went inside, Gathering all student's.

"Hey is Joe somewhere here?"

"Yes i'm" Joe answered.

"Hehe i got a Job for you, Eliminate A obelisk blue Called LEO..."

"Yes sir.." (Joe Vipen Is a former obelisk blue and A Excellent duelist)

Joe run away with his duel disk and Cards.


Ooc: I will use this NPC to duel you now Leo (Why i do it=Because u need to learn your deck and use it in the RP) (Joe will lose against you..)

Ooc: He don't use a deck like Joe banton xD

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OOC: My deck isn't complete yet....................... I didn't make all the cards................. Anyway the ideas are in my mind.......... Its a good way to test 'em............ I guess....................


IC: Leo was in his way to the class when a boy interrupted him.............. "Bloody hell you get the f*** outta my face................" he yelled at him...........

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Draw; I draw one card..............

Standby; *Leo felt a new power inside him................* "WOW this power is strong" he whispered to himself......

Main1; I summon Arcana Force IV the Emperor [ATK 1400] using his effect if he ended up face down my arcana force monsters will lose 500 ATK but if he ended up face up I can my arcana force monster will gain 500 ATK.................. Head...... Excellent..........

Battle; Now Arcana Force IV the Emperor [ATK 1900] attack him directly...............

OOC: Anything you can do??

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Ehhhh how dare you.....................

Main2; I set one face down card............... Now I activate my spell card Arcana Eye............... Heh your toast..............

[spoiler=Lore]This card cannot be activate by an opponent effect. This card cannot be flipped face up. This card cannot be activate except by its own effect. When you have an 'Arcana Force' Monster in your hand with the level of 5 or more you can toss a coin, ● Heads: Send this card to the Graveyard and Special Summon that monster. As long as that monster remains face up at your side of the field non of the opponent Spell cards can affect on your 'Arcana Force' Monsters. ● Tails: Remove from play that monster along with this card and Special Summon one 'Arcana Force' Monster from your Graveyard to your side of the filed. As long as that monster remains face up at your side of the field non of the opponent Trap cards can affect on your 'Arcana Force' Monsters. Then shuffle this card to your Deck

*The card ended up face up[head]* I summon Arcana Force XIV - Temperance [ATK 2400]................. *the card ended up face down[tail]* No way I activate my trap Reverse of Fate heh now the effect is the opposite all of your direct damage are halved..................

End; I end with a face down card...............

Hand 1........... Deck 49............ Graveyard 8............ Removed 0............ LP 4,000........

Field Arcana Force XIV - Temperance.............. 1 Face down.....................

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Neko walks up to another duel, "Hey! It's you again!" He yelled over to Leo, "Oh boy, you sure get yourself in alot of duels!" He said with that look of excitement in his eyes. "Man, everyones getting into duels except me, I have to wait til midnight." He said to himself.



Nicros looked in on a window at the white dorm. "Hmmm, I sense one of the elemental dragon's presence from within this dorm." He said to himself. "Whomever posseses it I must duel them and win." He said allitle louder this time. "And once I collect all four dragons, it's bye bye duel acadamey, hello my kingdom!" He said with an evil laugh following.

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"Draw!" "I activate the My face down Trap card, "Trap Jammer" So now i discard i card from my hand and Destroy Reverse of Fate.."

"You'll see my true power.." Joe laughed.

"I activate Boner Crush! in my Graveyard!"

[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated if it has been discarded from your hand by the effect of a Trap or spell card. Inflict damage equal to all of your opponents Faceup monsters level x200.

"Here take 1000 Damage!"

(Your LP 3000) oOC: anYTHING YA CAN DO ?"

Ooc: I'm sorry but i didn't have time to correct my OCG so i just write.

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