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No Fen' date=' I think he is talking abut the Trainers on CheatEngine. They break the game completely and allow you to do so many things. The Trainers you are thinking of help you raise your stats.



I hate those.


I was tempted to get one for MQ, seeing as MQ makes you work like hell.


Oh, and I got banned from the forums thar, so I got pissed. D: <

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No Fen' date=' I think he is talking abut the Trainers on CheatEngine. They break the game completely and allow you to do so many things. The Trainers you are thinking of help you raise your stats.





My character pages: http://www.mechquest.com/mq-chardetail.asp?id=9515640 < Skull crusher ftw. http://aq.battleon.com/build30/charview.asp?temp=64283256 < X - Guardian ftw.

http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=KnightOfDarkn3ss < Doomknight ftw.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

I upgraded my WF' date=' AQ, and MQ accounts.



Good fer you.


I personally think Warpforce and AQWorlds membership style is plain stupd.



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Guest Merciful Idiot

I wish AQW upgrading is permanent. Then I wouldn't have to bother paying $150 (I use 5 accounts. Darkart, Isamy, lightpriest, True undead, and Hidden Leaf Naruto) for membership a year.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Once players pay' date=' they never pay again unless they're ran outta DCs and NGs. I know! I'll get more money by making the next game upgrades temporarily so they'll have to pay every 3 months or so! I'll be RICH!




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