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Yulgars Inn - The (hopefully) soon-to-be Official BattleOn Club!


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I'll probably just totally ignore EpicDuel for now since I need to Level to 115 by December 31st to get the highest-level Melee Gift Box Weapon' date=' which should be really sick considering that it's Level 115.



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Your fave BattleOn game? can't decide

Are you Guardian, Star Captain etc.? X-Guardian, Star Captain, Dragonlord

Your best level guy? can't remember, got to many characters


Oh and about the EpicDuel game. Its gone live, I beta tested. Its meh, lacks AE luster (because they kept the EpicDuel founder team and just gave em acess to the servers).

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Hey guise. I'm top 20 at the moment on the Elf Gold list. http://www.battleon.com/aq-elfgold.asp (Flashing Berserk Dragon Prince). Join Aerodu, our members give a lot of gold and Kibbles gold goes to members of the same clans as the donors. Igneus donate a lot too, but they suck. Plus, we have the strongest Gong of the Wind!, which is a pretty sick Wind pet for people with low CHA and or Levels.

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