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A hilarious thing just happened on Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2007...

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I went to Free Duel and was dueling the Ghost of Yama G-the one with the Manticore of Darkness/Exodia deck(she has 1050 DP; besides, the Level 4s were getting kinda boring, and I wanna beat the other three I unlocked at least 7 times each; ya know, the ones that you during Survival LP). Anyway, this is what happenend:


Since the AI isn't exactly the brightest, I ran Gravekeeper's Servant-I still run that in most of my YWC07 decks, since it's knocked off the AIs Mirror Forces, Lightning Vortexes, etc during duels quite a bit. So, can you guess the fourth card in his/her Graveyard(I can't tell its Yama's gender XD)? The Right Arm of The Forbidden One. It got knocked off when Yama attacked my Dandylion token with Nimble Momonga(which I RoD'd anyway; no way that chain's gonna start).


Now here's the funny part. They used Seal Gold Coffer/Gold Sarcophogas and chose one of the Manticores of Darkness. Now, they Nightmare Steelcage'd me and since I haven't drawn a Heavy Storm or MST yet, I have to go with it. Two turns later, after I end, Nightmare Steelcage is destroyed and then the Manticore goes to their hand. However, they drew another one along the way(they did use Graceful Charity) and Summon it. They activate Card of Safe Return. It attacks, I Sakaretsu. So, at the End Phase, Yama starts the chain...however, very early in the duel, the Right Arm got discarded from the top of the Deck due to the Nimble Momonga declaring an attack on my Dandylion token while Gravekeeper's Servant was face-up on the field. So, Yama goes through the Deck until they get down to 5 cards. They end their turn, and discard a s**tload of cards to the Graveyard. One of them was Exodia the Forbidden One XD


EDIT: Btw, I won. She decked out. Final Score:

Me: 8700(Used Soul of the Pure and took 100 Battle Damage)

Her: 1850


I love how the AI so easily screws up. However, the AI has also pulled off damn good combos.


Just thought I'd share that story with everyone.

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that's funny... I've had stuff like that happens to me on YC07

when I play. I can't remember most if it though :(

Do you have a wi-fi connection?


Well, I have a Wi-Fi USB connector, but the damned thing won't work. When I plug it in-for example, if I try to go on GTS for Pokemon-it won't work. So I go through the generic Wi-Fi setup. I get a full connection(green, three bars) and get to step 4. It then says my IP cannot be located or something-Error Code 52003. The Wi-Fi FAQ doesn't help much either.


I do find it hilarious that Yama went through half their deck to try to win via Exodia when I slapped a piece in the Graveyard anyway.

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You probably had to see it...


I remember on Stairway to the Destined Duel, I was dueling the Rare Hunter and he drew all of Exodia pieces on his second or third turn. I was like "WTF, CHEAP!!!! :x". So when the Rare Hunter wins, he takes a rare card from you. He ended up taking a Barox (some sucky 5 star fusion monster with about 1380 ATK) and completely ignoring the Torrential Tribute I got the duel before. :lol:

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Heh, I played "Stairway" before, once, too.


I was dueling a Rare Hunter once before, too. I destroyed a Big Eye of his, and he had 1 of his Exodia pieces moved to the top of his deck. Thanks to The Eye Of Truth I had (My deck was crappy), I saw his whole hand: he had 3 Exodia pieces and a MST. So, during his next turn, he drew the Exodia piece, but I activated Drop Off, and didn't bother to use MST, so the card was destroyed. :lol:

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