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Kari Vs Fallen

Megami Seika

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It's really hard to decide between the two of you' date=' but the first card has my vote b/c it's just a tiny bit better


in you saying that, it brings this to mind.


the reason why is that the synchro monster is more playable and has a better effect, especially since running it in a synchro based quick summon deck makes it be a key card in most any duel, if you get my meaning.


FallenFanel FTW!!! :mrgreen:


kari = 2

fanel = 2


hah! i got to it first nishi! XP

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Let's see here. I don't know any other Norse God's so I don't see how useful the effect is. And then we have the slightly stronger stat wise but weaker effect wise Stardust in warrior form. Fallen's seems more useful but Kari's pic is so much more awesome. It's tough but I'll vote Kari.

EDIT: I believe that brings it to:

Kari: 3

Fallen: 2

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