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Ancient God Deck


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Those are my main cards. I don't have the patience to add all my deck that I created, so I'll post a few every day. These 6 cards are the main cards. I have a deck surrounding them. They don't have pics, seeing as how I can't create them..I'm a horrible artist, can't draw worth crap. Plus I don't have the knowledge of photoshop or gimp. Can some one make pics for all my cards please? I have more to be posted, but yeah, can some one create me pics please? Thank you, and thank you for any comments.


Have a great day!

"Poseidon-Lord of Seas" +

"Hades-King of the Underworld"+

"Vesta-Goddess of Fire" +

"Aeolus-King of the Winds"

This card can only be Fusion Summoned by the effect of Thunder Fusion. When this card is Fusion Summoned successfully, destroy all cards on the field except for this card. This card cannot attack on the same turn it is Fusion Summoned.


This is Zues' effect.





This is the card to summon Zues with.

This card is used to Fusion Summon "Zues-King of all Gods". Tribute 1 of the following from your side of the field,

"Poseidon-King of Seas" +

"Aeolus-Kind of the Winds" +

"Hades-King of the Underworld" +

"Vesta-Goddess of Fire" and place 1 "Zues-King of All Gods" in face up attack position.

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It IS easier, but it is more irritating. Also, sometimes the pics of the cards don't load fully. Typing, on the other hand, doesn't need to load.


Zues - Please show me this "Thunder Fusion" card.


Poseidon - Nice card. The opponent field nuke balances out with the all-hand discarding and Tributes.


Hades - Huge beatstick that is otherwise not very good. It lacks other effects.


Aeolus - 2-Tribute Heavy Storm....Hmm. There are better ways to get rid of your opponent's Spell and Trap cards.


Vesta - Murr. This card is just like Tribute to the Doomed, except maybe worse.


Infernal Chaos Dragon - ONOZ NOT ANOTHER LEVEL 10. WHY DON'T PEOPLE TRY LEVELS 9 AND 11 FOR ONCE? Its Synchro requirements may be too high. The monsters that is. A -4 to your field is crappy. Anyways, it's like Raigeki for monsters with less than 3000 ATK. It should say "This card can attack an infinite number of times per turn, but can only attack monsters." Every monster can attack all monsters on your opponent's side of the field, but not usually in the same Battle Phase.


So basically these cards are high-tribute versions of powerful Spell cards. Hm.

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