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The New Duel Acedemy - The Joke Cards Edition [BASIC] (Not started, Accepting)


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I felt that Joke Cards were too unusable, so i created this to make them usable.



Long ago, Duel Acedemy didn't allow joke cards. this takes place 70 years after the fall of the dark Signers. Now they do... Cos' Joke cards allow fun in the duel.




1.Even Joke Cards can't be oped. If you wanna punch your opponent, pay life points if the punch is too forceful

2. No killing each other. Killing is bad.

3. No permanantly scarring your opponent.

4. No peeing and pooping in yar pants. It's gay.

5. Joke Cards are OK.

6.Fake types are not OK, unless they don't sound stupid and you use a whole deckof them.

7. Pop Culture cards are OK.

8. Go activate Jinzo's ability to destroy Internet Memes if you want.

9. Have fun, don't break rules.

10. Start with either 8000 or 4000 LP.










Duel Spirit:

Bio: (Optional)


Duel Runner:



[spoiler=My app]

Name: Otto Penelope Joltingson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Pink Hair and Purple Eyes

Deck: Nuclear Robots, Morphtronics, Internet References, Black Widow, Teh Lulz

Duel Spirit: Nuclear Angel, Nuclear Devil

Crush: None

Duel Runner: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:-gmjBmybGkwu2M:http://www.bikemenu.com/art/collectables/Spiderman_motorcycle_model.jpg


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