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[SPLIZEZ]Lickin and Swalick[SPLIZEZ]


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[align=center]After a coiuple years of retirement from pokemon splicing, I've returned due to inspriation from Succubus Queen's work.


Succubus Queen - If you don't like that I use the same form as you to list my pokemon, I will remove it right away.



Lickin, the Tongue Pokemon.

Height: 4' 2"

Weight: 118 lbs

Poison and Normal Type

Lickin are rarely found not eating something. This makes them very un-useful battling pokemon. They make great friends and for this reason many people breed them.




Swalicki, the Poison Lick Pokemon.

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 203 lbs

Poison and Normal Type

Swalicki, unlike it's pre-evolution are great battlers. These pokemon are often found roaming the allies in search for spare food. Many people have takin these lost pokemon in and fed and trained them to battle.[/align]

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