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Admiral Tim

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Eh... what? That means... you turn into... water?


Anyways, I won't let that happen. My last action in Over Drive, with my remaining power, I just hold up my arm and say: "Spread thy alluring snare and deliver my enemies unto me... Tractor Beam!"


As you're trapped in the Tractor Beam (suck as much as you want, all you suck is thin air)...


"O power that lies at the root of all creation, O memory inscribed in ages past, hear my call and arise before me..."

Four balls, representing the four elements water, fire, wind and earth, spin around me and you. And as I disappear from the radius of explosion, I shout: "Ancient Catastrophe!"


(Same just with pictures)


"This is the fruit of my research.", I say as I fall to the ground, heavily breathing.

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No... reaction on the power of elements that just blew you up like... they just blew you up?


Anyways, if you survived it, then I'm beaten, because I already lie on the ground, barely able to move... but could you please tell me how you survived that without a scratch if you do? :blink:

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Then tell me that... because just going on as if there is nothing at all doesn't cut it.



Watch and shiver in fear.


PS: And I think being "out of rubber" (which I doubt, Kirby can't be made out of rubber if he has no problem turning into stone :blink: ) doesn't help you with massive, elemental explosions... in my opinion, that would be near god-modding... though that's not up to me to decide. Just my 2 cents.

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Geez... take this one instead, it's the same in fully written format...


Not even flash? How can you live with that :blink: I don't feel like writing it all down... those four orbs circle around you, each shooting another elemental beam at you, they explode, bum bum, and everything's set... if you survived that, yey, you're the winner. If you didn't, yey, I won.


I basically left that decision up to you from the very beginning.

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well, whatever....you win since I cant see the effect of the attack and cannot determine a defence.

P.s. I don't care about the rubber thing, but I am kinda pissed that I cant see the attack.

My opperating system is knopix, so Its really secure and it wont let me install anything.

I am off for now. I might come back later to see wat Tim is up to.


This is the second time I have failed.>...< I am really angry, so the next time I battle it will probably be the weakling Blood Blader.But not now since I must take my 90 minute power nap.

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Why can't you see the effect if I just explained it to you? In written words? Do you need Flash for that as well?


Aww... I don't get it, and I don't want a gifted victory. Let's just say it's a tie and redo this anytime later... I still don't get it...

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How did this end in a tie?


Just read the last posts... short story short: I used my ultimate magic, posting a Youtube-video of it. He doesn't have flash, therefor can't see the video and therefor didn't know what kind of thing was approaching... so he just marched on as if there wasn't anything. I told him so, he stopped, I explained the attack, he still doesn't know what's going on, I get frustrated and just offer a tie since it was the last attack anyway, if he had survived somehow it would've been the end of me, then he suddenly says that he could've saved himself with my description, and I shout: Then DO SO, GOD DAMNIT, SO WE HAVE A F****** WINNER!


And if that explanation comes, then it's all set and we don't need to end this on a tie... but you could've also got all this if you would just read...


Edit: Excuse my tone... I'm a bit down today... maybe it's the weather... I appologize sincerely :(

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