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Admiral Tim

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As you all know my powers are ice and having a sword, since my Avatar is Toshiro and his Zanpok-To, Hyorinmaru. Just wanted to make sure you knew.


Anyways, I now create ice in a form of a huge dragon, actually I don't, I don't need to. Instead I release Hyorinmaru to Shikai and it's dragon-like form scares someone on the orange team, someone of their pick.

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i smile and spin tord ur attack and raise my arm with the bulge it slits and opens wide "jest what i was hoping u would do" a large gale started to suck in all of u attack ones all of it was in side the bulge closed. it then morft in to what looks like a dragon's head.

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"HAAA HAAA HAAA HAA" i lafed as my body turns to blood and spiles all over the floor.


you did not notice me move and leave a blood clone. i was now at an angle out of ur sight aiming my arm at u

"HERE IT COMES, BLOOD DRAGON CANON!" the mouth reviling the energy my arm absord mixed with my blood. it fires the blast moves so fast u have no time to move

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