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The avatar arena-Join Now!

Admiral Tim

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you foolish mortals don't know my true power. i jump over the barrier while inyuyasha boy is still shooting fireballs at me i stand in front of lexadin and jump when he shoots the fire ball defrosting lexadin. I leap at inyuyasha boy and use my raging dark soul slash.

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Okay lexadin I choose HED.


Good' date=' now just wait for Tim to add you to the main page.



I come from behind and slash with chidori!


I got hit, but suddenly I grab hold of you, giving you no where to hide.


Imma just stand here and play mah geetar while u all kill eachother


Don't spam.


Okay. We can't win. You guys are powerful enough to stop Zanpok-To in their true power. Should I keep trying anyway?


Mhhh, plz do that. I shall talk to Tim about the power difference.

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Gee... I don't know what to do... it's pointless to freeze any of them without doing it to the both of them and I don't think I can do that at the same time... without using all of my power!

But I won't yet.


I freeze Majortim now that he's in the open and have Toshiro attack Lexadin with me (you probably already knew i'm Toshiro's Zanpok-To in the arena so if I say Toshiro... well I need him to hold me... that sounds really weird but the point is I attack Lexadin full frontal after freezing Majortim, who jumped over Lexadin's barrier.

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The bomb explodes flinging me away, with my last power I block the Ice beam of shadowfloor by creating a barrier and let that be freezed.


I strike shadowfloor and fire while my gun is up close.



NOTE: Becouse we now have more members the arena may be returned to green vs orange, so all must remind me on wich team you where so we can ballance things up again.

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