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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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Nah' date=' seeing as it is basically the same sig as the on the HD. Seriously, I am not scared of mods, never have, never will.



No one is. Why do you think YCM is filled with trolls?


http://www.thehdforum.mybbnew.com/index.php is da link.


No we won't shun him' date=' Im getting an EIU Fsjal soon.



You suck. >:


fsjal = fail

jolta = source of the fail.

jolta is now to be shunned' date=' end of story.



Jolta is awesome. Fsjal is fail though. /:

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I now know the ORIGIN of the Earthbound Immortals. In real life.

[spoiler= Here it is...]


Yes, I thought about it just now. The trap card made all those many, many months ago. The ability to stop the attack from getting through to your monster. Sounds alot like the Earthbound Immortals, doesn't it? Thats because it IS. Call of the Earthbound+Earthbound+Ability to stop attacks=EARTHBOUND IMMORTAL!!!



I think duel monsters should stop obeying derranged kids with weird hair and go form a awful Saturday Night show comedy club...or something.

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I now know the ORIGIN of the Earthbound Immortals. In real life.

[spoiler= Here it is...]


Yes' date=' I thought about it just now. The trap card made all those many, many months ago. The ability to stop the attack from getting through to your monster. Sounds alot like the Earthbound Immortals, doesn't it? Thats because it IS. Call of the Earthbound+Earthbound+Ability to stop attacks=EARTHBOUND IMMORTAL!!!



I think duel monsters should stop obeying derranged kids with weird hair and go form a awful Saturday Night show comedy club...or something.




Especially when it's effect makes no sense. WHAT are you calling to redirect something? With a name like that, someone would assume a summoning instead. /:


Plus it's totally different from the Earthbound Gods. They can't be selected for attacks period. This just sends it to someone else.




Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series: Zorc & Pals/The Suite Life of Zorc and Cody.

He obeys no one with ridiculous hairdos.

Except his wife, Bakur- Florence.


oleon' date=' you just have had all of your stats perma-reset to zero until you have wised up. congratulations.

yeah, jolta's a cool guy, but he's a friggin fsjal now for crying out loud! DX




It's annoying, but still. Isn't "PLEASE GO KILL YOURSELF" annoying.

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Just noticed Zeo. You have made no cards apparently' date=' so you have deleted them all. What if you have OCG errors you want to correct? You might have to remake the cards.



I don't save them. Too lazy. Plus, most, if not ALL of them are saved on my Tinypic.


If I have OCG errors, I'll go find the picture and remake the card for the lulz. If it's a old card, I won't give a damn.



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Lol' date=' I just had my shortest duel ever. This dude surrendered before his turn even started. XD[hr']

No, cause then it would be, Man you're a peace.



I lol'd.


Gah. I need to come up with something...

Probably can't since my brain is dead right now. And I'm bored. Can't even get an idea for a card. >

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