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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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@Zeo: Yes nobody right now but once they have the card they'll tech it in like they know what they're doing and then it will result in a who goes first wins the duel.


Go First: Use Wall of Revealing Light and summon this card.

Next turn: Kill it somehow.

Start with mega advantage.



@DarkMark card is broken. it's like a heraklinos except with an easier cost...

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@Tom: Someone is very defensive about REZD.


I have every right since oloen says he never gets run in "proper" zombie deck. That hurt my feelings. I hope he reads that and takes the challenge. I'd kick his a$$ all over the place with mine that the pwnage will be so great his grandkids will feel the sting of pain from REDZ. If he thinks Il Blud is better then he is mistaken. Il Blud will become the target for attacks if he can use it's effect. If you use REDZ effect, REDZ will only be taken out due to fear but the ones summoned by REDZ stay while the ones summoned by Il Blud dissapear. so, tell me which of the two is better?

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My friend tried that. it worked but I crushed him like usuall....still tries the same tactic with Il Blud all the time. my last duel with him I ended up removing both his I'l Bluds and both of his REDZ. I run a card that removes 2 monsters from ym opponent's grave. I also run bottomless. But I crush him in the end all the time....thouh our duels last a while since it's zombie versus zombie. pretty much an endless duel recycling monsters. when we tag team it's like an endless zombie army with almost unlimited power. uUse Chaos Necromancer in a zombie deck and you have yourslef set for a low level power house that you can manage the ATK of. fun shiz to do tauning an opponent by decreasing and increasing a monster's ATK at will.


He tired both ways of the combo. REDZ summoning Il Blud and Il Blud summoning REDZ. both worked but not all as well as he hoped since I crushed him with out having to do much. just play a spll here, a trap there, a summon here, an attack there and the combo was broken easily.It's better to have 2 REDZ on the field than it is to have 2 Il Bluds on the field. one reason for the REDZ is because you can auto special summon the opponent's destroyed monster(if it was a zombie which can be solved by Zombe World) and attack with it right then and there no hassle.

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Zeo: remember a few days ago i stated id try to learn that Dethklok song' date=' well i almost got the first 30 seconds playable in a decent tone

Also I've been working on a project for YVD that cuts into my club time on here D: so i wont be as active as normal



I saw you sign up thar :D

@everyone else: REZD and Il blud are both bad. The only reason REZD should be run is for beatsticking and supersonic skull flame >>>> REZD.

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Supersonic Skull Flame, urgh... So many annoying memories of him pulling a beatstick with Pyramid Turtle in WC10...




Also, why is REZD so bad? I've never understood why other than the fact that it needs stuff like Zombie World or whatever.

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Supersonic Skull Flame' date=' urgh... So many annoying memories of him pulling a beatstick with Pyramid Turtle in WC10...




Also, why is REZD so bad? I've never understood why other than the fact that it needs stuff like [b']Zombie World[/b] or whatever.

^there it is. zombie world is just a waste of space... Or wait, maybe side against monarchs?

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@Tom: Someone is very defensive about REZD.


I have every right since oloen says he never gets run in "proper" zombie deck. That hurt my feelings. I hope he reads that and takes the challenge. I'd kick his a$$ all over the place with mine that the pwnage will be so great his grandkids will feel the sting of pain from REDZ. If he thinks Il Blud is better then he is mistaken. Il Blud will become the target for attacks if he can use it's effect. If you use REDZ effect' date=' REDZ will only be taken out due to fear but the ones summoned by REDZ stay while the ones summoned by Il Blud dissapear. so, tell me which of the two is better?



I never mentioned anything about Il Blud.

And don't bring my ass into it, Tom. D<



ily Kiryuz. <3


Srsly though - REZD is BAD. It has hardly anything going for it, and, like I said, the only Zombie Decks worth running right now, which are like, Tier 6, are:


Flamvell Zombies

Malicious Plague Abuse


And then down at like Tier 40 is:




Seriously - have a go at trying this on and I will get the pro in here to end this conversation. D<

It's easy to get out zombie world. just run two zombie worlds in your deck. and have 1 teraforming. not sure if field barrier will help but with zombie world' date=' all that can be tribute summoned is zombie types. so that's where your opponent loses tributing ability until they destroy zombie world.



Let me say this...

-2 Zombie World

-1 Terraforming

-1 Field Barrier

-2 Tribute Cards


+2 Book of Life

+1 Plague

+3 Book of Moon

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why use 3 book of moons in a zombie deck? that's stupid unless it's for using against an opponent who uses counters and equipe cards. besides, with REDZ effect, you only have to tribute 1 zombie monster if you have one on the field instead of tributing 2. so technically it has a much better chanse at getting out the the field and woring compared to others. REDZ helps you take your opponent's monsters and use them to kill your opponent. Being able to special summon them as soon as they are destroyed makes them usable during the battle phase still allowing you to attack with them the same turn you destroyed them. I see a huge up side to that.


Running a plain zombie deck works just as good as those decks.

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Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned when you have m[/align]ore Life Points than your opponent. Activate one of the following effects when this card is Special Summoned. - Discard 3 cards. - Destroy this card and Special Summon 1 "Mokey Mokey" from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. The selected monster must battle this turn. - Lose the Duel and stab your opponent.


Mokey Mokey OTK just gets better.

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why use 3 book of moons in a zombie deck? that's stupid unless it's for using against an opponent who uses counters and equipe cards. besides' date=' with REDZ effect, you only have to tribute 1 zombie monster if you have one on the field instead of tributing 2. so technically it has a much better chanse at getting out the the field and woring compared to others. REDZ helps you take your opponent's monsters and use them to kill your opponent. Being able to special summon them as soon as they are destroyed makes them usable during the battle phase still allowing you to attack with them the same turn you destroyed them. I see a huge up side to that.


Running a plain zombie deck works just as good as those decks.



Right then.

Let's fight.


A: Mentioning Equips makes that comment fail.

B: Book of Moons negate most cards, such as they flip up Bottomless, you flip down your monster with BoM, negating the target. The same with Mirror Force, and others. It also defends you from any attacks, and other multiple things where you can become able to overcome a stronger monster.

C: REZD only gets monsters it destroys. So, most likely you only get the opponents monster, which, for all we know, may be a Consecrated Light. I'd prefer Il Blud by tons, and, seeing as I mentioned it, Supervise makes sex with it, gets out Plague, and the like.

D: The most versatile Zombie Deck is one which revolves around Goblin Zombie, Plague, Flamvell Firedog, Summoner Monk, DAD, and Mezuki. Just using these in the same Deck that fits in makes you win at life.

E: Most people wouldn't want to Tribute in the middle of the game - it's too slow. It's better as Il Blud because it has Gemini Support, and can be used with Ancient Rules, Symbols of Duty, Justi Break, the like. But that would suck. The only GOOD way I can see getting REZD out is by using Pyramid Turtle, which is slow, or using Call of the Haunted after a Foolish.

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DAD is mainable in mostly any Deck that has DARKs in it. How does it make it a DARK Deck by adding 1 card in it.


Look! I'm running a Phantom of Chaos Deck! Let's put in Judgment Dragon! Now I have a complete Lightsworn Deck! /tom'slogic.

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