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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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Sure oleon' date=' I'll take your ultimate deck on. Just want to tweak a few things.

(advice zeonark, wicked gods suck and NEVER run 60 card decks)



Wicked Gods don't suck. They just aren't awesome material.


I wouldn't have had to do that, had I not found so many cards I needed.

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Oh my god' date=' a Wicked Deck? With 60 cards..?

He really does suck...



Next time when I tell you I suck: Shut up and agree please.


Since I suck at this, I'm just going to run a goddamn Lightsworn Deck. Or stick with my crappy Blackwing Deck.


...Lightsworn it is.


Lol. My deck has about 50 cards.



10 less than me.

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Zeo, just beat Sephiran. A Death match between my Earthbound Immortals, and his Ancient Archetype.

But the EIs, as said, always prevail.

It was extremely close, for I only had 900 left and he had 7200.

I managed to rig out my Wave Motion Cannons, the ultimate burn Spell, and managed to take him down. He was hoping that I forgot about the Mirror Force mentioned so long ago at the beggining, to drive my Uru to its grave, but I managed to only just get out my Spells.

Like said, the closest duel I have ever had. Thanks Sephiran, but my Earthbounds are just way too good.


Thanks Seph.



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Oleon won' date=' but it was close. He got a good draw and I got 3 (I used reckless on the last turn) bad ones xD.



Woah, woah woah. Good draw? I only relied on what was on my field on the last turn, the card I drew was 'ol Mausy, and I already had one on the field. Good draw has nothing to do with it. Its the well-structured Deck.

Do you have to buy the cards or do you get them free?


Sorry bro, everyone is ignoring you.

Yugiohnetwork is just a plain site to duel people on, thye provide you with the virtual cards to use in your Decks, and it costs nothing.

But none of these guys have actually matched up to my mighty Deck.

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