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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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I don;t get it, I look at the RC section and I see a huge amount of demon or demonic cards being made....I feel threatened and wonder if anyone has been steeling my ideas of making demon/demonic cards.....it's just too much of a couincindece and I fear that if I post the cards I have as of now that nobody will like them due to so many demon/demonic cards being made....

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Well in the past only dragons were overused because they were the power of the time now demons have come into play as also one of the strongest...and easiest of pics to find lol. Oh and after I wnet to my grandmother's yesterday I got my shonenJump book from her. I wake up this morning and open it up as I wait for the stupid YCM error to pass and I got myself a "Hundred-Eyes Dragon". neat card....I don't run EBI's so I won't use him...besides he looks more like something that belongs in a case anyway.

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then that would be over powered if it were level 7 or lower. and yes that is the english verion name...




Because of the one Mr. lulzy DARK monster?


Zeonark I took a read of your fan-fic. When will Mr. Bumblebee start pwning?


The evil characters won't even be appearing for awhile.

When he comes in, he'll OTK though.

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Can I help out a bit? I'm great at acting on profiles as long as they give enough detail. I just suck at in person acting for something like drama class. I wouldn't be able to do it since I don't have much of a clear voice and can't get as loud as I used to...much more I cant even sing that well. but I can type everything nice and fine.

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