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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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Not less then four words or else is spam please and thank you. *policing for spam mode*


And yay! The O.Signal was not broken like whassisface wanted me to think! ;D *normal mode*


D: Didn't knew that!


Thanks for clearing that up.

Sure' date=' no problem. xD

Lesh do this.

I'm in.

While eating gummy sharks.




Xion beat me. D:


Ah well... I should be writing an essay anyways.



Unless you are going to be getting back to that assignment writing like you are supposed to right now, You duel me now and help me test a deck of mine. Otherwise, I'll tell Sweet Lightning that you're being mean!~ ;D

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Lesh do this.

I'm in.

While eating gummy sharks.




Xion beat me. D:


Ah well... I should be writing an essay anyways.



Since when have we ever Dueled?

Lesh do this.

I'm in.

While eating gummy sharks.




Xion beat me. D:


Ah well... I should be writing an essay anyways.



Since when have we ever Dueled?
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Sorry Xion' date=' was posting the deck in the Your Deck section.


Setting up second duel in a few minutes.


And sis, write your essay. D<



Hmph. Fine, bro.


How come you get so little homework? D:


(Truthfully, I'm almost done writing this thing. Because I <3 writing. ^^)

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fun duel zeo. too bad you had to go before we could finish the second match. Though I really wonder which effect you would have chosen for Change Destiny. would you have gained half your monsters atk as lp or inflicted half its atk against me to undo half the gain I took from draining shield....nobody will ever know...oh and my cards were surprisingly set just right against you lol. I was about to waste waboku but I decided to use change destiny for parilize your monster for a while....amazingly I've never reached 11000 LP before too....though you only had about 26 cards left so decking out for you was iminent due to your card's effects with drawing for summons.

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